The Wedding

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Tears streamed down my face as I looked at his hopeful face. I opened my mouth, choking on my words. I nodded rapidly, looking into his eyes. A boyish grin was plastered on his face as he stood up and swung me around. All the gods, especially Hermes, clapped and cheered.

Soon, I would be married to the love of my life. Soon, I would be eternally happy with the boy who would hold me forever, with the boy who could steal my breath away with just one look. It was almost too good to be true. Really. But I knew that the next few months would be full of endless planning.

FIVE MONTHS AFTER THE PROPOSAL (because I'm a lazy shit)

Today was the day before my wedding, and I felt like my heart would just explode from the overwhelming feeling of excitement and nervousness. Together, Connor and I had decided to have our own house away from cities and other sights of civilization. We would go back Olympus periodically of course, but we would never truly get used to the idea of living amongst other gods fully.

Connor was still asleep. The boy could sleep through a hurricane, I swear. He could also sleep for an entire day and he wouldn't care. I love sleep as much as the next guy, but I can't stand being unproductive for an entire day. So what was I doing? Well, I was checking over some last minute stuff for the wedding. Usually I would be making breakfast now, but my nerves were so on edge that it was unbelievable.

Every time I thought of the wedding, my hands would shake uncontrollably. My heart would race to the point where you could literally hear its beating inside my chest. Maybe I would even break out sweating on my wedding down. Who knows? Certainly not me.

After another ten minutes of checking and rechecking, I got up to get breakfast done. Immediately at the sound of sizzling bacon, Connor sprung out of bed and sauntered into the kitchen. His arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me close to his body as I cooked. "Good morning Lil," he murmured into my neck, eyes closing just a bit.

I grinned, unable to hold back the happiness this boy seemed to bring me. "Good morning Connor," I greeted softly, eyes still on the bacon though I so badly wanted to avert them to his sleepy self. "I'm trying to make the bacon my love," I said with a small, breathless laugh.

Connor placed a small kiss onto the base of my neck before stepping back. "Tomorrow's the day Lil," he said, sitting on the table that was in the kitchen.

I think now would be a great time to describe the house.

We have two places where our tables our. One is in the kitchen and the other is large and inhabits the dining room that's across the hall. Near the kitchen is our bedroom. I know, it's a little strange. Connor had insisted we have our room right near by the kitchen because he liked to snack at night (he actually did— almost every night). Down the hall, we had a bathroom that was much too large for one person. We had our living room, the Den, the library, and that one place that's meant for fancy meetings (we never actually use it). Upstairs we had our music room, the study room, two guest bedrooms, and a bathroom. In the backyard, we have a pool and a garden.

That's our home.

"I know Connor. I feel like I'm going to explode with the excitement and anxiety," I said, still grinning as I finished off the bacon. Apparently, Connor had already taken a liking to the pancakes. "You just couldn't wait could you?" I asked with a raised brow.

As I placed the bacon on the table, Connor looked up at me with big eyes. "Sorry Lil, I just love your pancakes," he said after swallowing down the mouthful of food he had.

I rolled my eyes playfully at him. "You love anything I cook," I said, sitting down beside him. I took two pancakes and some bacon before Connor would have a chance to take it all.

Book 2 In Olympus's Girls- Gaea's Secret Weapon (A Heroes of Olympus fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now