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Today was the day. Today was the frickin' day. Liv and Travis stood by each other; Travis focusing on Thalia's tree. Connor stood next to me, gripping my hand tightly. Everything we've trained for has led up to this.

With our swords at the ready, we awaited for a sign of attack. A commotion sprung up from where the Romans are. Damn Will, please be alright. Clarisse glared ahead, standing in a war chariot. She looked frightening, daring anyone to come up to her.

In the sky, a cannon of sorts was flung at us. "CHARGE!" she screamed.

We ran ahead, swords at our sides. What we saw was terrifying. Creatures of all sorts were there, and Octavian stood there smirking. Clarisse yelled, and we fought. Liv and Travis stood back to back, fighting all that dared to fight them. I fought one of those half-dog creatures. It lunged and caught a whole of my leg. I screamed as the creature held on tighter. With one swift movement, I sliced its neck.

Wincing as I detached it from my leg, Connor fought on. Finally, it was off. There was nothin left to do except continue. A Roman approached me and gave a little smirk. "All right, Mr. Hot Shot, give it a go." I commented.

He glared at me and swung his sword at me. I held my sword out and heard it clang against the other metal. He swung it down low. I moved so that it only hit my hip. I swung my sword at his arm. He parried it and swung again, missing this time. I swung once more, using all my strength, and watched his sword fall to the ground.

He gave me a surprised look and ran. So much for brave Romans. Then, something got my attention; or, more like someONE. My mother beckoned me over. I looked around. How in Hades' name did nobody see this? I huffed and marched towards her, limping with every step. She grinned. "Glad to see you well."

"Yeah, well alright."

She ignored me. "It isn't too late to switch. I could even save your friend over there." She pointed to Connor.

"We're doing just fine." I snarled.

"Are you sure?"


"Very well." she said coldly.

I ran back to Connor. He scouted the area for any opponents. "Connor?"

He spun around. "Yeah?"

"Are you ok?"

"Not really. Promise me one thing."


"Whatever happens, know that I'll always love you." He grabbed me and gave me a quick kiss. "Because I am madly in love with you Lilian Astor."

I kissed him softly. "And I am hopelessly in love with you Connor Stoll."

He grinned. Then, something caught our attention, stopping our conversation. My mother and the seven. I watched as they went higher and higher, dragging my mother with them. Now, our battle was new: stop Gaea's dirt minions and others (who also was a part of Octavian's army).

They charged at us. Liv stood by my side because the boys had run off claiming that they set the land mines in the wrong place. These dirt people were hard to squash. Every time I sent them back to the dirt, they came back. I saw as these people, who now are my friends, died fighting.

Finally, the dirt people stayed. They dissolved, like WHOOSH! GONE! My leg, hip, arm, etc were bleeding. Just lovely.

We looked at each other. It became very clear now. We have won the war.

Book 2 In Olympus's Girls- Gaea's Secret Weapon (A Heroes of Olympus fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now