Disappointment of My Mother But Not Because of a Basement

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My mind whizzed with information. Call me a nerd, but I was reading a hitory book. I love history; it's like astory so I always listen. I was on the part of Roman history when an agonizing headache started once again. "You fool! You are a disappointment! If you want my pride, help me!" I groaned.

"I will not help you, mother."

"Then feel my wrath!"

A headache hit me. Literally; Eric slapped me out of  my haze. "ERIC!"

He shrugged. "You looked bored."

I glared at his handsom chiseled face. "Why, of course I was bored. My mother was treating me like a 30 year old still living in the basement."

"She's still messing with you?"

"Yeah and it's getting worse. There's nothing I can do about it though."


I punched his arm. "Shut up, dung breath."

"Alright, alright." he chuckled.

"Just continue."

"What you need to do is consent to your mom's wishes. At each destination-" I felt lost. A ladybug perched on my bed gained my interest. I followed its journey halfway across my bed, into the air, onto my door, and into a crack in the window. "And that is how we will win."

"Yeah so um, I was up to the 'each destination' part and then you lost me."

He sighed with disappointment; everyone is disapppointed in me these days [Connor, Mom, and now Eric]. "Basically, we destroy and sabotage each destination she wants you to go to. You also disobey her ules, etc. Then, we can get rid of her."

"For how long."

"Nobody knows."


"Are you in?"

"Hell yeah!" I rubbed my hands together in an evil manner.

"Okay, I'm gonna let you sleep."

"Thanks, goat boy."

"No problem, blondie." He hissed my head and left.

"Okay mom," I whispered. "What's place number one?"

"You finally saw the light." Her evil cackle echoed through my brain.

I grit my teeth. "Just say it."

"Go to the rainforest. I want you to set fire to the rain."

Book 2 In Olympus's Girls- Gaea's Secret Weapon (A Heroes of Olympus fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now