A Break Up and Some Chocolate

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I sat in my room all day. Pathetic right? I couldn't care less though. Clique? You bet, but that also doesn't matter to me. My bed was scattered, my hair a mess, my pajamas wrinkled, and my nose red. My bed was weighed down my another figure, Eric. He laid down next to me, rubbing my back, letting me cry it all out.

After I stopped crying, I sat up and brought my knees up to my chest. Eric sat up and looked at me. "Well?" I asked.

"You look like crap."

"Gee thanks." I muttered.

"A good crap, don't get me wrong."

"Is there even such a thing as 'good crap'?"

"No but now it is."


He grinned like an idiot. "That's me."

I laughed. "So Eric, how've you been."

He gave me a look that said, 'Are you freakin kidding me?' "Oh you know, death is the best, psssh."

I pushed him as he laughed. "I finally have my best friend back."

"Tell me what's been going on."

"Well I first was an outcast with my best friend dead and an evil mother. Then I had friends and a boyfriend. Then a war. Then you come back and I gained and ex."

"Sounds interesting." he stroked the beard he didn't have.

His curly blonde hair was everywhere. He messed with it over and over again. His brown orbs twinkled in the sun light. I huffed and got up, rummaging through my desk. "Where's that damn chocolate?"

"Looking for this princess?" he held up my chocolate bar and tossed it over.

I quickly opened it and shoved in my mouth as Eric laughed. When I gulped it all down, he ran at me and swung me over his shoulder. He carried me out the door. "NO I'M NOT EVEN IN REGULAR CLOTHES!" I shrieked and pounded on his back.

The girls gave longing looks as he ran with me still on his back. I struggled to get off. He laughed as I squirmed. He ran all the way to the Mess Hall. He sat me down on the seat and sat across. "How was that?"


"So? You still look smexy." he winked.

I laughed. "Get my food mister."

"As you wish." he got up and walked over to the waffles.

I drifted off and stared at the clouds. When he came back, I didn't give him to talk. "BUNNY."


"It's a bunny."

"If you're talking 'bout the waffles, you're sadly mistaken my dear."

I glared him. "No shit Sherlock. It's the cloud."

"You're staring at clouds? What are you, five?"


"Wrong question." he muttered.

Liv sat down. She looked me up and down. "Why are you in your pajamas?"

"Ask the idiot over there." I pointed at Eric.

She laughed. "I'm glad that you guys are having fun. I'm sorry 'bout Connor though."

"It's fine I guess."

She gave me a sympathetic look and left. "Well, I'm gonna get dressed." I got up from the table and went back to my cabin.

My outfit:

Sky blue button up shirt

Jean shorts

worn out sneakers

and a bun

I sighed and left the cabin with my sword. I went to training and started to fight. It went sort of like this.

When I got there, only the Ares kids were there. I found a dummy and fought that. I then had to fight an Ares kid to whom I lost. After that, I got to escape that torture.

I walked to the strawberry field and helped them to grow. I smiled as strawberries grew richer by the minute. I picked one and bit into it, its juicy flavors filling my mouth. Behind me, someone coughed. "You gonna share?" Eric asked.


He spun me around and stole the newest strawberry. I glared at him as he swallowed it whole. "Pig."

"Correction, goat." he stated.


Just as I was about to walk away, he grabbed me. "Not gonna escape that easily missy. And I'm not gonna let you go, ever."

Then, his lips crashed into mine.

Connor's POV

Fury filled me as I saw them kissing. Then sadness. Then fault. I mean, we did break up with her. I was the one who did it. Still, fury was what I felt. It should be me, not him. I watched. I don't know why, but I did; and I hated it. I hated myself for doing this. I hated him for taking her away. I hated her for bringing him back.

Yet none of this is going to bring her back. As soon as they stopped, she looked up. The eyes she met were mine. Tears rimmed her eyes as she stared at me. I held her gaze for as long as I could but then looked down. How could I take the pain that I caused? How could I get her back with one look?

Whether or not I like it, it's true. I can't get her back unless I try, and if I'm willing to try is the complicated part. I hate myself for what I'm about to do but who cares?

I walked over and pushed him down. "Your forever is supposed to be mine."

Then all Hell broke loose.

Book 2 In Olympus's Girls- Gaea's Secret Weapon (A Heroes of Olympus fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now