Earbuds Of Death

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Author's note- I tried to add a song by Fall Out Boy attached to the chapter, but it wouldn't work. Wattpad hates me right now, sorry.
~ the Fangirl

Eric glared at Connor. "What was that for? You aren't in any place to stop her." How the frick is he staying so calm?

"Doesn't mean you can go making out with her!"

"Says who?" Eric asked, eyebrow raised. Of course he's challenging him, he's Eric the Almighty Goat.

"Says me." Connor said, pointing at his chest.

I'm literally surrounded by little children. Eric laughed. "I'm not scared of you. I mean, come on, I've literally been through Hell."

"I don't care. Fight me if you're not scared."


"Guys, lets not be idiots about this." I said, being the barricade. Eric did the weird thing that boys do. Ya know, where they puff out their chests and close in on you like they're 'thugs'? That thing. "STOP TRYING TO LIVE THE THUG LIFE ERIC."



"Ya know, my manly vibe."

"Oh my Gods, Eric." I said, face palming.


"Just stop. Please."

"Fine." He said, wrapping his arms around me. Connor's jaw tightened.

"Lil, can I talk to you for a second?" Connor asked.

"Uh, sure."

He hooked my arm and lead me behind the tree. "Lil, I'm sorry. I'm so stupid for saying those things. I'm sorry for putting you through crap. I know that you have feelings for him. I know that you guys are best friends. But I want to know if you still can love me. I want to know if you can forgive me. I want you to know that I will do anything for you, even stay away from you, if that's what you want. Cause Lil, I'm madly in love with you, and even if that doesn't matter to you, I will say it. I don't care if your mother will swallow me up whole for saying this. Even if the world stops spinning and Zeus zaps every one of us in to dust, I will say it. I. Am. In. Love. With. You."

Yes, I let him finish because yes, I am a selfish bitch. "Connor I-"

"I know that you think-"


This is why you do not mess with a Taurus. "Well damn woman"

"I forgive you, and I still am in love with you. I just don't know who and what I want. My life is pretty confusing right now because lately, my nights have been very long (A/N shush you nasty minded people) . Right now, I don't want to pick. I don't need it at the moment."

He bit his lip. "Can I...."

He leaned closer, eyes searching mine. By now, I was pretty confused. I knew what he planned but the heat of the moment is making it hard to process. When his lips touched mine, a place we call realty disappeared and I was left to fend for myself. I kissed back. He held the nape of my neck gently as we kissed. He smiled when we parted.

That night, I had less sleep than usual, and that's saying something. Once again, the voice of my mother intruded my brain. She spoke of disappointment and how I was to be punished. My forehead throbbed; I felt like ripping out my brain or thrusting my skull onto a moving plane. The pain was unbearable. I held my head and screamed silently.

Music. I need music. Grabbing a phone that I "found", I plugged in the earbuds that I also "found". Putting it on shuffle, I laid my head down on the pillow. The sound of Fall Out Boy rang in my head, soothing all sorrow. I smiled as it blared in my eardrums.

The sound of someone yelling interrupted my peace. I opened one eye and saw Connor yelling. His eyes showed worry and anger. He grabbed my earbuds, yanking then out. "OW CONNOR! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!"

"Do you know what could happen?!"

"Like my ears being deprived of its flesh? Maybe."

"No! Monsters are attracted to these! YOU COULD KILL US ALL."

"Well excuse me if I wanted to listen to music."

"AND THIS." he said, pointing to the phone. "It's like a giant flashing arrow saying 'FIND ME!' . Don't use these again Lil."

"Fine whatever. Earbuds of death - no good." I sank back on my pillow as he stomped out.

My night was longer due to my thoughts of A) Eric and Connor and B) strangling Connor for murdering my ears. Note to self: Do not mention Fall Out Boy to Connor.

Book 2 In Olympus's Girls- Gaea's Secret Weapon (A Heroes of Olympus fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now