Washed up

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"Lilian Astor! Come here right now!"

I groaned. "Yes father!"

I ran to the living room. His arms were crossed as he stood in the middle of the living room. His red polo shirt stood out in the yellow room. His eyebrows were furrowed when I walked in. What did I do now?

I walked over to him. "What is the meaning of this Lily?"

I cocked my head. "What do you mean?"

"You know exactly what I mean."

Then it clicked. "Oh."



"I'm waiting for the real answer."

"But I didn't even finish! Anyway, he kept making fun of me for my dyslexia! It's not my fault!"

"That doesn't mean you can do that Lily, and right before our vacation too!"

"It doesn't matter now!"

"Yes it does! You are now grounded for the whole vacation!"

"What?! That's not fair!"

"Is it fair to me if I have to get a call in the middle of work? And what's this about you pushing a kid in a ditch?"

"I didn't even see the ditch!"

"That doesn't mean you could push them!"


That shut him up. He hesitated before he spoke. "Lily, go to your room and pack. We're leaving today."

I huffed and stomped up the stairs. I ran to my room and pulled out the suitcase. We would be gone for two weeks on a cruise. I don't even know where were headed. At least we're just getting away from the dry heat of California. I rummaged through my drawers and got out some outfits.The best part though, my best friend, Eric, is coming! We've known each other since the third grade, and we're barely surviving high school together.

After I finished packing, I grabbed my phone and ran to the door of my house. "Bye Dad! I'm going to Eric's house!"

He frowned. "Be back by dinner."


I ran down the street and turned right. I passed three more houses and reached Eric's. I banged on the door. His mom came to the door. "Oh hi Lily! Come in!"

"Thank you Mrs. Klein!"

She grinned as I skipped inside to Eric's room. I heard a 'bah' from inside. Since when did they own a goat? I knocked on his door. "I'll be right out Mom!"

"It's just me!"

"Oh come in!"

He sat on his bed, wearing his sneakers, baggy jeans, and band tee-shirt. He had messy blonde hair and dark brown eyes. He always had girls around him. Sometimes, it was kind of nauseating to see that- image.

I sat next to him. He grinned at me. I smiled. "Hello my vacation buddy."

"Why hello." he waved in circles.

I laughed. We talked for what seemed like only minutes but was actually two hours. I checked my phone. "OH MY GOD IT'S DINNER TIME I GOT TO LEAVE."

He laughed. "Shoo."

I ran out his house and bolted towards mine. My dad was at the front door waiting for me. "You're late."

"I know, I'm really sorry Dad!"

Book 2 In Olympus's Girls- Gaea's Secret Weapon (A Heroes of Olympus fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang