Next Destination

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        The sun blazed hot on the deck of the boat. Everyone was eating and laughing. Eric stood next to me, dancing to the beat of the music playing in the background. My dad was laughing with the sailor dude guy. Everybody was... happy. 

        Then, everybody turned. The music stopped, and thunder roared from behind. "Dad!" My dad stopped in the middle of the dance floor, his back turned to me. His hands were clenched into fists, and his knuckles were white. "Dad?"  As he turned, I gulped. Eric joined him; both had anger plain on their faces.

        "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT." My dad shouted.

        "YOU KILLED US." Eric added.

        I backed up. This can't be happening. Everybody around me turned to stone. Their faces remained in an angry state. They all were facing me, every single one of them. All dead. Because of me. "I... I didn't...."

        "Yes you did!" They shouted in unison. They walked forward slowly, backing me up into the wall. By this time, the weather had gotten out of control and was now knocking the boat everywhere. 

        "Guys, be careful, please. The boat..." They growled. Now I was against the rail, dangerously close to the water. "Please stop." They kept coming forward. I looked around for some ground. There's got to be some sand at least. I concentrated and looked for some land. There was a shake and wet sand was right behind me. "I'm sorry guys." I covered them in it and got them stuck in it to the point where they couldn't move. 

        A laugh sounded from the other side of the deck. I walked past the struggling guys and made my way to the location of the sound. My mother stood there. "I have hope for you yet."

        "Leave, I don't need you here."

        "I'm giving you two more chances." Remembering what Eric said before he went bonkers, I listened. "Here's your next task: capture one of Poseidon's children of the sea and get rid of him."

        "What is the point of this task?" I snapped.

        "Disrespecting the gods [Hades, Zeus, and Poseidon] and showing them whose side you're on." Before I could respond, she left.

        The whole scene played again, and they were coming for me, one by one.

        I woke up thrashing with Eric trying to calm me down. "Eric! Don't hurt me!" I breathed out in exasperation.

        "Hurt you? Why in Poseidon's name would I do that?!"

        "I.." I didn't bother to finish the sentence. "Anyways, I know what we have to do next."

        "Which is...."

        "Capture one of Poseidon's children of the sea and kill him."

        "Alright but how do we go against that?"

        "Find a creature related to Gaea and slay it." I said while I took a sip from the water bottle.

        "Okay but do you know any creature of that nature?"

        "Well fuck." I sat there thinking. Eric eventually ran out of patience and left. "I GOT IT."

        "What then?"

        "The Ourae."

        "Okay so we kill one Ourae. Simple; I'll drive us to a mountain in Europe and we go kill it."

        "It isn't that simple. Those guys are strong and it'll be tough to fight them."

        "Whatever. We can handle it." I shook my head at his ignorance.

        It took us over two and a half weeks to get to Europe on high speed mode. The half was because this dumbass decides to go ask for a taco from Spain thinking he's all smart. The next thing you know, he's running away from an old lady with a broom in her hand. He got three whacks and no tacos at the end of it. Then the idiot tries to scare her away with his goat legs, and she turns out to be an old demigod of Ares. He must favor her or something because Eric walked back to the boat with his beard on fire.

        In Europe, we wondered the streets and admired the scenery. It's so much nicer here. The trees and plants are in full bloom and the sun warmed your skin. All the people had beautiful tan skin and conversed with one another. Then, the place we all were waiting for, the mountains! Oh joy! 

        We ventured towards the bottom of the mountain. Its wide base spread far out into the land and there was no grip on the rocks. Time to make a path. I awkwardly placed my hand to the wall of the mountain and forced it to make a path. It turns out that mountains are very hard to persuade. It took about half an hour to move it. "Finally!" I exclaimed.

        "Alright, let's go. First, get on my back, I can go longer and faster."


        I jumped on his back and we went off. The air became thinner and colder the higher we went up. The area around us became more dangerous as well. I looked around in search of an Ourae. I heard a thumping from behind us. We turned around dramatically. An Ourae stoppped in front of us, and boy did it look mad. I got off eric's back and grabbed my sword. 

        "You are  a child of Gaea yet you wish to harm me?"

        "Yes, I have to."

        "You are unfaithful!" It charged at me, knocking me down in the process. I reached for my sword only to have him kick it away. Eric grabbed my sword for me as it picked my up and tossed my aside. He threw it to me and I caught it. The weight made my arm fall because of the injury on my shoulder. I winced as I pulled my arm up and swung at its leg. The metal grazed its skin, making a deep gash on his calf. I swung again at his stomach, causing him to fall forwards. It grabbed a rock with its downfall and threw it towards my back. Eric jumped on the Ourae and swung a dagger at its head. When I stood up, I saw Eric pinned down by a bloody Ourae. I ran to the beast and jumped with my sword raised; the blade made contact with his back, sinking deep into his body, making him fall forward in defeat. Eric scrambled out from under as the Ourae collapsed.


        "Yes," I gasped as Eric crawled to me. "Yes, Mother."


Don't ask why I added Darude Sandstorm for the song. Just don't. Anyways, sorry for the late update but either today or tomorrow, three new stories are coming out! The first chapter I mean. All three are original stories and not fanfictions but nevertheless they will be out [most likely on Sunday if i can't finish it today].

Thank youuuu!

~the Fangirl

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