Outcast by Blood

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Throughout the whole walk to the camp, I was told a plan. I had to stay there as sanctuary, get them to trust me, all because I have to stay on my mother's side of the war. My mother. Gaea. I didn't believe it at first. I mean, who would?

When I reached the entrance, I peeked inside. Everyone was training, basically living a normal life. I sighed and walked in. Immediately, all eyes turned on me. Their glances triggered something in me, and I fell to my knees crying. I felt the pain surge in and strength leave me. Someone ran by my side and lead me to a hospital type place. I collapsed on the bed, still crying. When I stopped crying, I looked down at the wood. I saw horse legs trot in front of me. I screamed. "M-m-man horse."

Someone laughed. "Did ya hear that?! MAN HORSE! BAHAHAHA!"

I scowled at the boy. He was blonde with light eyes. He stopped laughing. The centuar spoke to me. "Well, I assume you need to relax right now-"


"Excuse me?"

"I need to do something to- to help me forget."

"Would you like to talk about it?"

I gulped. "Would it help?"


"I'll take that chance. Well I had a best friend, his name was Eric."

"I assume he's a satyr."

"A what now?"

"Part man part goat. They protect demigods like you. They are descendants of Pan."

I just nodded. "We were on a cruise with my dad. The ship sunk during a storm. My dad died trying to help some old couple. Eric- he died right next to me. The ship fell on us as we just held each other and he didn't make it." A tear dropped. "The last thing he said to me was that he loved me and to keep going. He died while we held each other. I loved him. I still do. The last thing I did with my dad was fight with him. I COULD'VE HELPED. I COULD'VE SAVED THEM BOTH!"

I broke down. The boy who was laughing at me was now frowning. The centaur put his arm around me. "Will take her to the mess hall and cheer her up."

Will nodded and lead me there. I probably looked horrible, with my ripped clothes and bloodshot eyes. We sat down at his table. He got up to get some food. When he came back, he looked at me. "Here, take the food."


"You need to eat."



"I'm not hungry."

Ok that was a lie. "Liar."

"I can't eat."


"Because I don't deserve to. I let them die when they could've lived. I have nobody."

"You have us." I didn't answer. I won't have their trust very long.

He sighed and plopped the food in front of me. I didn't eat a thing. I felt miserable. My dad died and we ended on bad terms. Eric died, and I loved him. No, in love. I'll miss the way he held me. His jokes and things he does to cheer me up. He was the person that kept me going. I'll miss his smile. The way he put me before everybody else. I'll miss everything of him.

I know you may think its lame. I'm drowning in self pity. I don't really care. I lost my dad. I lost my best friend. I lost everyone. So yeah, I have every damn right to do this.

After dinner, I walked to the meadow and sat down. I picked at the grass as the sun beat down on me. Then, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around. It was a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. He had a mischievous grin plastered on his face. "You new here?" he asked.


"Well that seat's taken."

"Excuse me? Taken by who?"


"Wha-" I flew into the air.

I landed a foot away from my original spot. In my place was a bunny. Not just any bunny though. This bunny had red eyes and razor sharp fangs. I screamed as it snapped at me. The boy started laughing. "What's so funny?!"

"Your face!" he doubled over with laughter.

I glared at him and reached down to feel the bunny. Plastic. "Rude people."

I stomped off to the campfire. The boy chased after me. "Hey wait! By the way, my name's Connor, from the Hermes cabin. You are...?"


"Well Lily, let's go"

We walked to the camp and sat down. I looked ahead and saw Connor. But...? "Connor!"

"I'm right next to you. You don't need to shout."


"Oh that's my brother Travis."



"Welcome everyone! I hope you enjoyed the songs! As you may know, we have a new camper today. Her name is Lily, and today she will be claimed by her godly parent! Lily come up please."

I got up and walked over to the centaur from before. Apparently, his name is Chiron. I stood awkwardly in front of everybody. Then, people started talking. Chiron looked at me. "What's wrong Chiron?"

Somebody spoke up. "That's the Earth! Not even Demeter has that symbol! What are you?"


"WAIT A MINUTE! Earth- Gaea?!"

The ground shook. "Y-yes."

Everybody gasped and backed away. Chiron gave me a sorrowful look. "Well, we will have to create her a cabin. She will work with the children of Hephaestus in decorating it. Um, enjoy." he sounded unsure.

The Hephaestus kids stared at me. A girl got up and motioned for me to follow them. We walked over to their cabin. "Ok, so how do you want it to be designed?"

"Oh um, can the cabin be green and have vines growing at the side? With flowers on it?"

She nodded. "Anything else?"

"Is a canopy bed ok?"


"An alter I guess. A dresser maybe. A tree that I can climb on. A bathroom, a bookshelf, and that's it."

"That's it? Ok. We'll get to work building, and when we're done, you can come help with arranging the furniture."

"Alright. For now, where do I go?"

"You go to the Hermes cabin."


I spotted Connor and ran to him. He glanced at me nervously, as if I was a ticking time bomb. "Oh um, what are you doing here?"

"I was told to stay at your cabin until it was all done. So I guess I'm spending the night there."

"Oh... ok." he winced and kept walking.

I followed behind awkwardly. I rested on a bed at the back. I lay down just rethinking the events of today and yesterday. This is gonna be one heck of a mission.

Book 2 In Olympus's Girls- Gaea's Secret Weapon (A Heroes of Olympus fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora