Land mines oh Land mines

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Yes, you heard me, land mines. You see, the Stolls need to install land mines in the hill. While Liv and I were in training, lead by Clarisse, they had the job to install land mines. "ADVANCE." Clarisse yelled.

I advanced towards my opponent. Our swords clashed and the sound of metal on metal was heard throughout the camp. My opponent swung his sword, but I parried it and swung with an equal force. His sword rattled, but he ignored it. He swung again, crashing into my blade. More and more, the campers began to trust me, and this was only the first day of training. So far, I've been here a whole two weeks, and I've now got five loyal friends and other friends who I don't talk to, yet we're friends. Yes, it makes sense.

While training, we've learned to trust one another. We HAVE to trust each other. We could ONLY trust each other. With the Romans seeking to destroy our souls as it is, we can't seek to destroy each other's souls. We need one another. I also found out who tried to drown me. I felt like a detective, with Liv as the lead.

*Flashback to Detective Mode*

Liv ran her hands through her hair. "Okay, first we need you to describe the person."

"Well," I said. "It was a girl with auburn hair. She had a maniacal laugh and a smirk."

They stared at me. "That's it?"


Liv clapped her hands together. "I think that it's Drew and her little gang of minions."


Connor facepalmed. "No."

"Sorry." I grumbled.

He wrapped his arm around my waist."Don't worry, I still love you."

Liv cooed. "AWEEE! I SHIP IT! I SHIP IT!"

"Liv, they're not even dating."

"Not YET."

Connor laughed. "Keep dreaming sweetheart, we're just friends."

"And only friends." I stated.

She pouted like the five year old that she was. After a few minutes, she regained her posture. "Okay, time to interrogate Drew." She rubbed her palms together and laughed.

"Damn child, who called you from the pit of Hades?" Travis exclaimed.

"Whatever, Elf."

Travis gasped dramatically and covered his elvish ears. "BULLY!"

We laughed. Connor looked aghast too. "BULLY."

Liv looked at him. "How does that hurt you?"

Connor flipped his hair dramatically. "I have the same dashing looks as him."

Liv facepalmed. "Idiot."

He fake cried so I patted his head and kissed his cheek like a mother would do to a toddler. "It's okaaayyy." I cooed dramatically.

Then they both pouted like the toddlers they were. We walked off to the Aphrodite cabin. I hid behind the door as Travis talked to her. "So Drew, you know that awful child of Gaea?"

"Yeah why?"

"I wish someone would try to get rid of her already, like damn."

One of her sisters laughed. "We already tried sweetheart. It seems as if she can't go away."

She moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around him. I could see him gag. 'Keep yourself together Travis'.


"We tried to drown her. Rumor had it that she hates water."

"Good idea."

He made a thumbs-up sign. Our cue. We barged in. "CAUGHT RED HANDED DREW."

*End of Flashback*

Clarisse yelled at us to work harder. We switched partners and started again. We fought harder and harder as the day went on. When I was against Liv, Clarisse came up to us. "Connor and Travis need your help with the land mines."

"Okay." We answered.

As we walked, I turned to Liv. "Liv?"

"Yeah, Lily?"

"Why in Hades' name would they choose two of the clumsiest girls ever?"

"Don't ask me." she huffed.

After five minutes of walking, we arrive at the hill where Connor and Travis were working. I looked at Connor who was sweating and his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration. Damn he looks hot. WAIT WHY DID I JUST THINK THAT?! Liv walked over to her boyfriend, otp alert.

I walked over to Connor and sat down beside him. He didn't look up to greet me. "Connor?"


"What can I do?"

"What do you mean?"

"To help."

"You think I would trust you, one of the clumsiest girls ever, to work with an explosive land mine?"

I put my hand to my heart. "Ouch."

He huffed. "Just let me work."

As he worked, he cut his palm with some object. "Frick."

I pushed him aside and and worked on the land mine. He watched me as I connected the wires and tools. My hands burned, but I didn't care. I can work just as well as he could. Then, I felt someone sit beside me at start working. Connor attached and screwed the bolts and loose wires. When our hands touched, it wasn't just the wires that caused the spark.

Finally, we finished and in that moment, it occurred to me that I was falling for Connor Stoll.

Book 2 In Olympus's Girls- Gaea's Secret Weapon (A Heroes of Olympus fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now