Zodiac Girls

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Gender: Female
Height: 5'9
Description: Long, straight blonde hair with piercing purple eyes
Personality: Intelligent, kind (if she likes you), can be pretty cold at times, night owl, down to earth, doesn't really like sports, severe anger issues, very competitive.  She has a dark sense of humour too...  you can often find her somewhere up in a tree...
Hobbies: studying (???), knitting, taking long bike rides through the neighbourhood, reading
Family: Aries(older brother)
Crush: Virgo

Gender: Female
Height: 6'1
Description: Long brown hair, often held in pigtails, slightly tanned skin, and big brown eyes
Personality: hot headed, very athletic and talkative, challenging and brutally honest. She doesn't like to listen to reason, and you will never be able to tie her down in one place. She can often be found running around a field
Hobbies: playing basketball, running, watching Youtube, playing pranks on people
Family: Gemini(younger cousin)
Crush: Nobody

Gender: Female
Height: 5'7
Description: Short, jet black hair, often up in a messy ponytail,  a tired sea green eye, with the other eye often covered with her black hair.
Personality: Talkative, very hyper, kind, curious, loyal, a deep person, she gets paranoid very easily, and is often found sitting under a tree
Hobbies: learning new things, TALKING, stealing pencils, playing pranks, jumping?
Family: Sagittarius(older cousin)
Crush: nobody

Gender: Female
Height: 5'4
Description: Long blue hair, often held up in pigtails, large innocent eyes, pale skin
Personality: Smiles a lot, very kind, loves everyone, tired, seems childish at most times, can often be found somewhere with animals
Hobbies: Drawing, cooking with Cancer, playing with animals, sleeping, singing
Family: Cancer (older sister), Aquarius (older brother)
Crush: Scorpio

Gender: Female
Description: Long, curly green hair, fair skin, beautiful big green eyes
Personality: bubbly, talkative, not very athletic, energetic, flirty, has a bad habit of lying, will do anything, and everything for friends and family
Hobbies: taking selfies...., going shopping, eating ice cream, reading
Crush: Leo

Gender: Female
Height: 5'7
Description: Long red hair, glassy blue eyes, and very pale skin
Personality: Scared easily, hates being alone, clingy, emotional, smiles a lot, easily distracted and very fidgety. She can often be found sitting in the rain, or just looking out some window
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, cooking with Pisces, watching Netflix
Family: Pisces (younger sister), Aquarius (older brother)
Crush: Taurus

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