Come Together~

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Okay um, did anyone see that weird '?' chapter, because I swear that was my friend messing around on my phone. O.o
So, sorry about that, and lets start the chapter! ^Pic up there is Libra!^. Why she gotta be so perfect??  T^T

Libra's POV

"Oh Gemmy!"  I called.  My friend Gemini wandered around the cafeteria with some girl following her around.  "Here!" I raised my hand, and she strolled over, the girl at her heels.  "-The fuck are you?"  I demanded.  The girl had long blue hair pulled up into pigtails and large blue eyes.  She had pale skin, and was fairly skinny.

"You know Aqua and Cancer's sister?" Gemini asked.  "Oh!  Pixie, right?"  "Actually, it's Pisces..."  The girl said quietly.  "Oh okay, but why is she here?"  I questioned. "Cancer had Aqua introduce her to some people, then he ditched..." Gemini laughed nervously.

I frowned slightly, then shrugged.  I guess it wouldn't be too bad.  Pisces took a seat beside me.  She stayed quiet most of the lunch period, only listening in to the conversations.  She made no comments, and occasionally played games on her phone. 

Gemini and I talked together, and gossiped about the newest couples in school. "Oh my gosh, did you know that Amber was the one to ask out Kyle?" Gemini whispered, hoping Pisces wouldn't hear, she wasn't even paying attention. She stared at a table where my friends Sagittarius and Aqua sat. "Can we go there?" Pisces asked, not facing us. Gemini and I exchanged glances. "Sure." She said. The two of us followed Pisces, who immediately glommed her older brother.

"Aqua!" She giggled. Aquarius grinned at Pisces, and hugged her back. More people began to sit at the table, like Cancer and her friends Virgo and Taurus, and also Aries who dragged his old friend Scorpio along. Leo seemed to sneak in, I watched Aries get in an argument with Leo over hockey teams. Aries suddenly glanced at me, causing my heart to stop. His eyes were so scary.

His expression seemed to be asking "What do you want?" I quickly looked away, feeling my face grow hot.


Virgo's POV

Taurus hungrily stuffed his sandwich down his throat. "I fugim darvun!" He exclaimed. "Excuse me?" I asked. Taurus held a finger up, and swallowed. "I'm fucking starving." He repeated. "Didn't you just eat though?" Taurus shrugged, but didn't say anything. Something flashed in his eyes, but disappeared as quickly as it came. I decided to ignore it. Cancer was beside me, scolding Aquarius for leaving Pisces to others. "You left too!" He argued. Cancer frowned. "I told you I was working on a project with some friends. Aquarius went silent.

Cancer sighed, and flashed me a half smile. Our group was probably the loudest. I watched as people around the room would stop their conversations just to stare.

I suddenly felt myself being tugged away from the group. Cancer had grabbed Taurus and I by the sleeves, and was dragging us away. "You see that girl over there?" She pointed to a blonde girl sitting alone at a table. She appeared to be spacing out, with a pile of books beside her. "She's my new friend, and I want to invite her to the table."  Taurus raised an eyebrow, but just shrugged and went with it.  I stayed silent.

"Hey Cap!" Cancer called. Capricorn glanced up and raised a brow. The three of us made our way over. "Um sorry, who are you?" She asked.

Cancer's face fell, but quickly changed into a grin again, as Cancer pulled Cap out of her seat. "Hey!" She yelled. Cancer flinched, and attempted to jog Capricorn's memory.  Capricorn just stared blankly at Cancer.  Taurus patted her on the back, while she didn't seem very affected by the answer.  "Come join us!"  Cancer exclaimed. 

She happily skipped back to the table, with Taurus and I following in suit.  "What was the point of that?"  I asked him.  Taurus glanced over.  "I have no idea.."  He muttered. 

Back at the table where we all sat, an apparent argument began to take place.   Sagittarius began to fight with Scorpio over which was better, Divergent or the Hunger Games.  "Divergent sucks ass."  Scorpio sneered, crossing his arms.  "You fuckboy take it back!"  Saggi  growled.  Scorpio scoffed.  "Oh please, Divergent's just another stupid little love story with a few deaths to keep the viewers from falling asleep." 

Sagittarius leaned closer, narrowing her eyes.  "Seriously?  The Hunger Games is such a bore!  Too serious, it's not exciting at all..."  Scorpio scowled.

"Damn you to hell! Anyone who watched Divergent, and actually liked it is a failure at life!" He snapped. Sagittarius smirked. "Like your dad's condom?" Scorpio went silent.

"Hey guys.." I muttered. "Fuck off, nerd." Scorpio hissed. He glared at Sagittarius with more sadness than hatred. "You're right..." He mumbled, barely audible.

Scorpio stormed off, leaving us in a cloud of dust. "Hey I just hit five thousand followers on Instagram!" Leo broke the silence. Aries patted him on the back, "Congrats bro."

Taurus put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't listen to Scorpio, okay?" I looked down. "Yeah.. Sure."

The rest of the day was a blur.  The only part I was looking forward to was math, where we were going to get our tests handed back today. 

I bounced in my seat, knowing I probably got the highest mark again.  People complained about it being hard.  Most got C's or B's. 

Beside me, Taurus groaned.  "Ugh, I thought I would get an A this time..."  He grumbled.  I flashed him a smile.  "It's okay, next time." 

Ms. Dean (my math teacher) nodded in approval.  "Nice job, Virgo."  She handed me my paper, and continued down the row.  I eagerly flipped it over, only for my heart to stop. 


"What?!"  I shrieked.  "Congratulations Capricorn!  You got the highest mark!"  The teacher handed the paper to that Capricorn girl Cancer stole.  My head throbbed, I always got the highest marks... 

How can this be?

My eyes stung, and I could feel them getting wet.  A tear dripped onto my page, staining it. 

What will my parents think...?

Life As A Zodiac Sign (ON HIATUS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang