Meeting the New Girl

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^Pic is young Sagittarius, Gemini, and Capricorn^
Gemini's POV (BACK TO THE FUT— past. Back to the past.(^_^) )

I bounced in my seat, excited for recess where we would be let out of this small classroom.  Kids were drawing, and reading books like the Bernstein Bears. I sat with my three best friends, Sagittarius and Capricorn. Sagittarius and I were cousins, and the only ones in our family that actually got along.

We met Capricorn about a month ago. She recently transferred here, after attacking a student with her chair in her last school. The other kids in the class appeared to be kind of scared of her, since they often avoided Cap. But Saggi and I were in fact the exact opposite. We felt somewhat drawn to her, and introduced ourselves immediately.

"Hey Gem, whatcha drawing?" Capricorn asked. She peeked over my shoulders. I actually hadn't drawn anything. I just scribbled with random colours so I could have something for my hands to do. Cap grinned at me. "It's pretty!" I smiled,"Thanks!" Sagittarius looked up from her Mulan book. "Huh?"

"Okay everybody!" My grade one/kindergarten teacher began. "We're going to go outside for a little fresh air, okay?" The kids literally dropped everything, and sprinted towards the door. Or maybe that was just me. I flew out there like The Flash, on drugs or something. 

Sagittarius like me, wasted no time out like it was a matter of life or death.  Capricorn calmly walked out, with her hands in her pockets.  "Hurry up!"  I yelled..  Capricorn stared at the ground as she slowly walked out. 

"What's wrong?"  I asked, jogging towards her.  Capricorn glanced up.  "Huh?  Oh, nothing..."

Sagittarius's POV

"Think fast!"  I yelled, hurling a ball at my younger cousin Gemini.  She sat under a large oak tree, reading a book she got from the school library.  The branches above cast a shadow over half her face, yet her green eye still glowed through the darkness.  She wore black leggings, and a navy blue hoodie that let easily let her blend into the shadows.  Gemini didn't even look up, she thrust a hand out, and effortlessly caught the ball.  "You should play baseball."  I laughed, walking over to her. 

Gemini scrunched up her face, playing with the sleeves of her sweater.   "Not my thing."  I grabbed the ball from her, as she set down her book.  "But Gem, you're a natural!"  Gemini only laughed.  "What, why is that so funny?"  She smiled at her lap, playing with her fingers.  "You don't have to lie like that Sag."  I paused.
Im guessing she doesn't get a lot of compliments... 

"Hey ladies~"  The star of our school, Leo walked towards us.  He was basically perfect in every way.  Shiny blonde hair, glowing amber eyes, and a winning smile.  Honestly, I'm kind of jealous.  But then again, he's not really my type.  I don't really go for the perfect pretty boy.  Besides we're friends, only friends.

Gemini glanced up at him and rolled her eyes, chuckling. "Hey Leo." Leo grinned. "So... Whatcha doing?" Gemini looked up at him. "Well, we were sitting in peace." She raised her eyebrows at him. Leo fake cried. "Aw Gem, so mean!"

I leaned forward slightly. "Hey, Leo do you think Gem should be a baseball player?" Leo glanced at me, then at Gemini, looking her up and down. "Probably yeah. She seems like she would be good in that.." Gemini frowned. "You guys suck." She stood up, and walked away, leaving Leo and I in our giggly fits. 

Further into the day, nothing new happened except for one.  My friend Aquarius came rushing towards Gemini and I around lunch time.  He had a large grin on his face, and wild excited eyes.  "Lemme guess, you found a dead alien body in your backyard."  Gemini joked.  She pulled of strand of hair behind her ear, and raised an eyebrow at Aqua.

He rolled his eyes. "Pfft.. No even better!" That was when I noticed a short, timid girl around our age hiding behind the tall male. Aquarius proudly stepped to the side, and revealed Pisces, his younger sister. I remembered meeting her on several occasions, but we've never really talked. "Hi." She said quietly. She had grown up a bit since I'd last seen her.

She didn't get much taller, but the features on her face matured slightly. Although she still had those big blue curious eyes. "She'll be joining us as a freshman this year!" Pisces stared at the ground, clearly humiliated. 

I stood up, and held my hand out.  She didn't take it, only stared at me.  Her eyes seemed somewhat empty, compared to when I last saw her.  "Cancer asked me to introduce her, and now that that's done, later!" 

"Aqua!"  I argued.  "Cancer and I won't be around forever, she has to learn to be more independent."  He said to me. "That's your excuse?"  I crossed my arms. He nodded. "I'm gonna be late for a movie" He began to walk away.  'Wait, but cla—" "I'll just say I got hit by a car or something, who cares?  My dad certainly doesn't..."  He winked, and ran off. 

Pisces went red, realizing she no longer had the protection of her brother, and ran to hide behind a tree.  Gemini paid no attention to this, instead just living in her own world.

"Fucking Aqua..." I hissed under my breath. The rest of the day, I basically spent my time chasing Pisces around because she kept running away.

I eventually caught her, with a terrified expression. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'msorry I'msorryI'msorry...." She whimpered, holding her hands up. "Um, you don't have to be scared." I said awkwardly. Her eyes widened, as if this were the most surprising thing ever.  BREAKING NEWS, YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY.  Hehe

Pisces stood up straighter, and nodded her head slowly.  "Okay.."  She said cautiously.  This girl's weird..

I eventually got Gemini to help me out with Pisces, who's attitude seemed to have changed immediately.  We took her to the mall, where she began to run back and forth between stores, just to drool over the products.  I got a headache in the first five minutes.  Whereas Gemini had fun running after Pisces, and the two of them annoyed people together. 

I just followed quietly behind.  Pisces flew by in a fit of giggles, and Gemini skidded to a stop beside me.  She looked me over, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.  "You cold?"  She took off the blue hoodie she wore, and handed it to me.  I thanked her, and took it.  With that, Gemini ran off to go chase Pisces. 

Wait, why did she give me her hoodie?

I looked down at my hands, and realized they were shaking.  I shrugged, and pulled the sweater over my head.  Maybe I am cold.

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