Virgo's Scandal

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^Is that Hiyori...?^

Sagittarius's POV

For a moment, I couldn't think. My body just moved to my instinct: save Virgo!

I ran alongside Gemini and Libra. They were panting, and so was I. My legs burned and my lungs screamed for more air, but I had to keep moving.

In hindsight, we probably should've asked Cancer where exactly she left the traps, after all it would look stupid if we ended up being the ones caught in it.

Well I guess I spoke too soon. I mean, we weren't the ones who got caught..

"Help!!" The three of us slowly looked up to see Virgo squirming and tugging at a rope net that he'd been trapped in.

"Yo what the fuck?" I muttered.

Libra slowly leaned towards Gem and I, "Do you see what I see?" She whispered. The two of us nodded, unsure of what to say.

"G-guys! I'm really claustrophobic and about to have a... a panic attack!" Virgo cried.

Libra and I scrambled to look for a way to let him down, while his breathing grew quicker and choppier by the second. Meanwhile Gemini ran in circles screaming for help.

"Help! We found him! Someone we're over here! Somebody help us get him!"
She shrieked.

"Guys hurry up! It's really unnerving to be tied up against a hatchet!"

Libra and I froze in our tracks. "Are you serious?"

Libra hissed. Virgo whimpered in response. "Virgo! Just use the hatchet!"

"Oh, I didn't think of that...".

Libra slammed her face into the tree and groaned in dismay.

"Hey, why didn't the alarm go off?" Gemini asked out of the blue.

"Eh?" Libra scoffed.

"Cancer said she rigged the traps with alarm clocks...." Gem reminded us.

"Ah that's right!" I chimed in.

Gemini dropped to the ground and started swiping leaves away to look for the alarm.

She suddenly stopped and looked up at me with a dumbfounded expression.

Gemini held up a digital alarm clock. She clicked her tongue and stared at the device. She then reached behind it, and ran the unplugged wire through her fingers. "This also happens to be mine..". She said quietly. Gemini turned the alarm clock, showing me the bottom and revealing a white sticker with her name written on it.

Libra stifled a giggle, covering her mouth with her hands.

"Look out below!" Virgo called down to us. I looked up to see a hole cut into the side of the net, and Virgo holding the hatchet out of it.

The three of us screamed and scattered, watching the hatchet plummet to the ground with a thud.

"Okay can you get that out of the way?" He requested. I reluctantly nodded and dragged the hatchet away.

I guess Virgo was really eager to get out of that tight net, because he wasted no time in launching himself out from the net; amazingly not getting his foot caught or something.

Virgo let out a strangled cry and flailed his arms as he crashed into the ground— luckily feet first.

It was just then when the rest of the group burst threw the trees, panting and sweating like they'd run a marathon.

"Took you long enough." Gemini muttered under her breath.

Virgo groaned in agony as he lay on the ground, unmoving.

"Virgo!" Capricorn cried. She, Taurus, and Cancer rushed to his aid.

"Dude.  Actually go fuck yourself."  Aries growled.  "You scared the shit out of me, I legit thought you were a killer."

Virgo was speechless. 

"Actually fuck yourself.  Behind that tree."  Aries pointed to the tree Virgo hung from.  "Go, I won't watch.  Everyone turn away, Virgo's going to go fuck himself."

"Yo calm down..". Leo muttered, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

Virgo still looked confused.  "Killer?  What?"

"We thought you were the ghost killer that hangs out here."  Aqua explained. 

"That's just an urban myth...". Virgo said quietly. 

"Never mind that!"  Cancer exclaimed.  "Why didn't the alarm go off?" 

Gemini took her clock out of her pocket. "It's something called electricity!" She yelled.  Gemini then flipped over the clock, and showed the group her name on it, "it also happens to be mine."

"O-oh..". Cancer stammered.  "Di-id I n-not tell-ell you?" 

Pisces frowned, "wait, you didn't take all of our clocks, did you?" 

Cancer let out a nervous laugh.  "Maybe?" 

"My question is, how the hell did you have access to them in the first place?"  I had mine last night, and in the morning it was gone?" Taurus wondered aloud.

Cancer didn't answer (haha that rhymed).

Nobody questioned her on the way back.  I wonder though, why did Cancer refuse to help Virgo walk?  Taurus supported Virgo on one end, but Cancer ended up shoving Capricorn into the two of them and ran ahead to catch up to me, Gem, Libi, and Pisces.

I really don't know her that much, and I'm my opinion she's a little weird.  But I guess we're all connected to each other in some way.  Actually that while family's weird.  But on Aqua... it's kind of cute to be honest.

We never found out if that urban legend was real; all thanks to fucking Virgo.  It probably isn't though but hey, you never know.

Aquarius's POV

Why is Sagittarius staring at me weirdly?  The hell?

I walked with Aries and Leo, quietly listening to their conversation. We traveled at the back of the group, calmly hovering behind everyone.

I couldnt speak the whole way back though, because I swear on my life, I saw the silhouette of a man watching us, somewhere hidden in the trees. I decided to keep it to myself that night.  After Virgo, I don't think anyone will believe me.  At least I myself know, that this wasn't just me being paranoid.

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