Secrets Unleashed

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Taurus's POV

I wake up to find myself in the camp infirmary, with Cancer sleeping on my stomach.  How long has she been here?  I find myself smiling involuntarily at the image of her sleeping face.  She looks so peaceful. . .
Oh God does that make me sound creepy? Crap. Dude, we're just friends okay?

. . .

Who am I kidding, I have a huge crush on her! I mean how can you blame me? We've known each other for as long as I can remember. How can I not develop feelings?

I managed to slip out of the bed without waking her up. I just couldn't bring myself to bother her. She always looked so timid, and this was a rare sight. Although I guess I understand why she seems so peaceful. Cancer's told me before that most of the time she has lucid dreams. Seems pretty sweet I guess.

When I stood up, a sharp pain shot through my body. My feet were aching, and I felt light-headed again. I can't even remember what happened before I passed out.  The last thing I recall is screaming and running for my life. . .

My stomach grumbled, interrupting my thoughts.  Oh, maybe that's why.
I shook my head.  I'm not that weak am I?  I mean I'm still eating a lot.  The girls appear to envy me for that. 

I sat back down on the bed, rubbing my temples.  I must have startled Cancer, because she woke up screaming and rolled off the bed. 

She brushed the hair out of her face, and looked at me with big eyes.  "Taurus!  You're awake!"  She exclaimed.

Cancer scrambled to her feet and threw her arms around me.  I don't know how long we sat there like that, but I felt as if my heart were about to burst out of my chest.

She then stood back up— and slapped me in the head. 

She suddenly had an irritated look on her face, and she crossed her arms. 

"Whoa bipolar much?"  I attempted a joke, while holding my hands up in

Cancer didn't flinch.  "That's not funny."  She muttered. 

"What's going on? "  I asked her. 

Cancer sighed, "When you were unconscious, I had to feed you.  I decided to feed you a burger I got from the cafeteria.  Your body rejected it within an hour of you consuming it."

I shrugged.  "What's the problem in that?  I just don't like those burgers." 

Cancer rubbed her eyes, "Taurus, please stop lying to me.  It hurts you know?  I've seen you attack those burgers and asking for more.  You love them."

I sighed,"Well what's a little white lie huh?"  I began to shake my leg in irritation.

"Taurus, tell me.  What's the real reason you're so skinny, despite the fact that you eat truckloads?"  She asked quietly.

I looked down. I couldn't answer that.  I couldn't bring myself to say the words.

Cancer sighed, "You know, it hurts those around you too when you do this. I thought we were best friends.."

She stood up, and shuffled out of the room with her head down.

I looked over to the bedside table, and saw a a burger that had a small piece neatly cut out of it. I feel really bad now..

Virgo's POV

My clothes had gotten all dirty from wandering in the woods, so I went back to my cabin to change them. 

I changed into a loose black tank top with a thin jacket.  It was black with a high collar, protecting me from the wind. 

I couldn't stop thinking about that Capricorn girl.  One; she beat me in academics.  That's hard to do, but also pissed me off. I never realized before though, that she was always right after me in test scores.  This time she beat me.
Two; She's cute!!  Oh my god.  When we ran into each other in the forest my heart was ready to leap out of my chest.
Sure she was a little on he weird side, but you could tell she was a lot of fun. 

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