A Tale of Two Sisters

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If you can guess where ^she is^from, give yourself a oat on the back! ^_^ I mean I DID change a few things but you should still be able to tell if you've watched this anime..
You know, there once was a time where Cancer never cried.  She was always smiling, laughing, and never alone.  That's because she had her best friend by her side, Alice.  The two were never seen  apart, practically joined at the hip.  They were like sisters.  They had known each other since preschool....

"Get up and stop crying you loser!  It's pathetic."

A young Cancer lay on the ground with her knees scraped and bleeding, sobbing.  She had accidentally gotten cheese whiz all over some of her classmates, and they were happy about it.  Three boys push her to the ground, scowling. 

"My shirt's dirty!"  One of them exclaims, kicking Cancer in the stomach out of fury. 

"Hey!  Get out of here meanies!"  Suddenly, another one of her classmates, a young girl named Alice bursts through hurling rocks at the kids.  The bullies run away, disappearing into the trees, and Alice slowly walks up to the girl in the fetal position. 

"Hey, my name's Alice.  Nice to meet you!"  She holds her hand out, grinning from ear to ear.  Cancer looked up to see the girl, Alice.  She is small and thin, with black hair tangled beyond belief.  Her skin is pale and delicate, and she has bright blue eyes that could peer into your soul.  In that moment, rather than some girl in her class, Cancer sees a ray of hope. Someone to pull her out of the shadows and show her light.

That day, a beautiful friendship blossomed.  The two grew up together, and became so close they could basically read each other's minds by the slightest of hints not even their parents would notice. They stayed together for years, but to them it went by in the blink of an eye. Now, in seventh grade, something happened that would affect Cancer forever.

The teacher quickly scans the classroom, looking for empty seats as he marks his attendance. His eyes land on an empty seat in the corner of the room. It sat beside a large window, the sunlight peering through and heating the wooden top. "Hey, who sits there?" A young girl, sitting next to the empty spot glances up. She had bright red hair, cut short and shaggy just above her shoulders. She had a natural smile, and her cheeks always had a slight pinkish tint to them.

Her name was Cancer. She glanced to the empty seat beside her. "Oh Alice? She should be back in about a week. She's on a road trip."

As Cancer spoke, she couldn't shake the feeling of absolute dread. She didn't believe her own words. A lump formed in her throat. What could possible have given her this feeling?

Cancer slumps down in her seat, her mind wandering. She ends up zoning out for the entire lesson, and groans knowing that she'll have to ask another friend. "Hey Taurus!" Cancer leans forward and taps a boy sitting in front of her in the shoulder.

"Huh? Oh what's up Cancer?" Taurus smiles, his cheeks forming a pink hue.

"I wasn't paying attention, what was the teacher talking about..?" Cancer bashfully scratches the back of her neck.

Taurus mentally facepalms, and hands her his notes. "Here, just read these."

Cancer grins, "Thanks! You're the best!"

Taurus's mind goes spinning, and he slowly turns forward. She thinks I'm the best?? 0///0 he thinks to himself.

Just then, a beeping sound fills the class.


Confused, Cancer slowly rises, glancing at her teacher. He nods to her, and she rushes out of the classroom.

Is she in trouble? What's going on here?

The atmosphere immediately changes the moment she steps into the room. The principal sits before her, with two police officers standing at the edge of the room. They all look down, afraid to speak.

Cancer stumbles back, her eyes darting from the officers to her principal. "What is this? Whatever you think I've done I swear, I didn't do it!" Cancer hisses.

"You are not in trouble, calm down." The principal coaxes, but Cancer still remains tense.

"We understand that you were very close to Alice Bell, correct?"

Cancer's heart stops. "Were? What's going on, what happened is she okay?" Cancer demands an answer, raising her voice with every word.

An officer suddenly speak up. "Alice Bell was recently killed in a car accident. I'm sorry."

Cancer's mind starts racing with dark thoughts. Her are nearly bulging out of her head, and she stops breathing for a while. "Oh." Cancer says quietly. "Thank you for informing me." Cancer walks out of the room, without another word.

The second she shuts the door, the three hear a bloodcurdling scream ring through the building. The two police officers and Principal rush to check out what's going on, only to find Cancer curled up on the ground. She sits right outside the principals office, violently convulsing and pulling at her hair. Tears flow down her face like small rivers, and she won't stop shaking.

The next day, people are afraid to approach the grieving girl, scared that they'll break her with a single word. After hearing what had happened, the people of the school took it upon themselves to make Alice's name a taboo. What they didn't know though, was that Cancer's smiling wasn't just a front.

Hoping to make conversation with his quiet friend, Taurus turns around to see Cancer on her phone, giggling. "Hey Cancer, what'chya doing?"

Cancer looks up from her phone, giggling. "Texting a friend~" she says in a sing song voice.

"Who are you texting?" Taurus leaned on her desk.

"Alice!" Cancer said with a grin. "She seems to be having a lot of fun on her road trip, she's so lucky.." Cancer laughs.

Taurus goes silent.

"See look, read our conversation, she's hilarious!" Cancer turns her phone for Taurus to read, but all he sees is a one-sided conversation.

no way! R u serious???: Cancer

LOOOOOOOLLL i thought that only happened in movies!!: Cancer


you're so weird lol!:Cancer

Taurus stares at the screen, unsure of what to say. No wonder she's been acting like she usually does. Nobody in their right mind would act like that after having their best friend die. "Heheh, yeah she's funny!" Taurus flashes her a smile.
I can't tell her... Those screams are still burned into my mind. I can't let her go through that again over and over again...

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