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Since I'm a dick, I'm going to go ahead and put off that amazing cliffhanger with a short story.  Have fun hating me.  :)

Taurus's POV

All day, my friends around me have been playing this game called Clash Royale.  This has been going on for months, and hasn't quieted down by the least

Virgo sat beside me with a smug look on his face. 

"Watcha doing?"  I kicked my legs and leaned closer to him. 

Virgo smirked at me, and showed me his phone.  There was a blue background, and he was in some chat group in the game.  There were videos of battles and messages being sent by people that I recognized as my other friends. 

I tapped on Virgo's name, and was brought to a profile.  I noticed an image of a trophy with a number in the three thousands.  "Wow dude you're good." 

Virgo grinned at me, and tapped out, swiping the screen to show me our jealous friends complaining about his trophies.

I really don't get the appeal to this game to be honest, it's just like any other game. 

Later that day, Virgo went home sick.  So I had to bring him his assignments.

Cancer had agreed to walk with me to his house, hoping to steal some of his notes to help her study.  I chuckled at her comment.

After about maybe ten minutes of walking, we came to this big, dark brown house.  Although it had almost no windows and large metal gate with a padlock. 

Stone walls surrounded the area, and to the left was a small little buzzer built into the wall. 

I pressed it.  No answer, so I pressed it again.  No answer.  After about five more times of bashing the buzzer,
Cancer and I exchanged annoyed glances, and tossed our bags over the gate.  We then ran around the left side, and found a row of red flower bushes. 

The two of us nodded at each other, and I got on one knee, sticking my hands out and locking my fingers together. 

Cancer brushed off the bottom of her shoes, not wanting to get my hands too dirty.  She raised her knee, and put her right foot in my hands.  We muttered a countdown, and on three I pushed my hands up, while she launched herself into the stone wall that surrounded Virgo's house. 

I waited for a minute, watching Cancer crawl onto the top of the wall, and take off her belt— which literally happens to be a rope.  Don't ask. 

She found a comfy spot to keep her grip, and tossed one end of the rope down.  "Come!" She yelled. 

I gave a little tug on the rope to make sure she was keeping it sturdy, and began to climb. 

I used to go rock climbing all the time, so this was fairly easy.  Plus Cancer and I have had to find ways to break into Virgo's house, since his parents never let anyone come over.

Virgo's room was in the basement, and real easy to break into.  Especially since there's this small little window that peeks out over the neatly cut grass. Unfortunately it's hidden by a blackberry bush.

The two of us jogged to retrieve our backpacks once we made it over, and headed over to the little bush that covered Virgo's bedroom window, and picked a berry, popping it into our mouths.

I waited as Cancer dug through her backpack searching for something. She pulled out a sleek black pipe. Something glistened in her eyes, making you think that she'd used this thing one too many times; and you're right, she has.

The edges were dented, and some paint was chipping off, worn out from excessive use. 

Every time we break into Virgo's house, we end up being forced to break his window. I mean they're rich so it's nothing to them. Virgo always just plays it off as kids in the neighbourhood losing a ball.

Cancer flashed me a sly grin. She raised her trusty pipe, and slammed it into the window with full force. She glanced around the jagged window edges around the frame, and poked those out so we don't get scratched.

We dropped down, and swooped in through the window.

Virgo sat on his bed, playing on his phone. He glanced up at us, unamused.

The two of us sat there awkwardly, while Cancer just stood in a daze, glancing around the room.  It has been a while since we'd broken in here.

Then I remembered why I'd come here in the first place.

I took off my backpack and ripped out the papers for Virgo, who was now holding out his hand.

"Thanks." He said, scratching the back of his neck. Is he hiding something?

As if reading my mind, "Are you and Scorpio gay for each other?" Cancer blurted out.

Virgo was taken aback from the sudden comment, and confusion crossed his face.

"He's under your bed Virgo." Cancer raised an eyebrow.

I looked over to see what Cancer was talking about, and saw two red glowing eyes peering out from under the bed. 
I never would've noticed on my own, since Scorpio's black hair and attire helped him blend in with the shadows. 

Scorpio bashfully crawled out from Virgo's bed.

"Spill." We both said simultaneously.

Virgo sighed, glancing at Cancer nervously. "Yes. . . We are in lo—"

"I play Virgo's battles in Clash Royale."  Scorpio interrupted. 

Virgo shot a glare at the straight faced boy, then looked away in shame.

I felt Cancer tense up beside me, and her expression went dark.

Scorpio looked at her, fear flashing in his eyes and he slowly walked backwards out the door, his hands up in surrender.


Based off a true story.

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