Now You See

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Aquarius's POV

When I opened my eyes, I saw a bright flashing light. I squinted, and tried to turn my head away, but I couldn't move. My ears tingled from the loud ringing sound that wouldn't leave. My heart started to pound.

No it's happening again!

I thought, my mind spinning. I could feel tears reach my eyes, as I noticed a fuzzy grey humanoid appear in my line of vision. It had a large head, and scrawny body. Its large, black eyes studied me, lying in my bed in fear.

It had restrained me. I could feel the cuffs clamping down on my limbs.

Damn, I fell asleep. I told myself I would never sleep alone again!
I mentally scolded myself.

My body suddenly feels like it's on fire, but I couldn't scream. My pain receptors are screaming at me, urging me to pass out.

I was internally sobbing, and begging one of my sisters to walk in. Nobody came.

You see, I suffer from frequent sleep paralysis.  I know it's just a nightmare, but I can't help but think something really is watching me.  How can you not get paranoid? 

It's so realistic. 

Nevertheless, real or not I can't stand it.  The creepy thing is, it only happens when I sleep alone.  For example, if I slept over at a friends house, it wouldn't happen.  If I for some reason snuck into one of my sister's rooms and slept on the floor, it wouldn't happen.  Convenient huh?

Because of that, I try and stay awake as much as possible, and when I sleep, I make sure someone is there in the room.  I know sleep paralysis is triggered by sleeping on your back with your hands at your side like you're dead, but no matter what position I fall asleep in, I always end up sleeping like a soldier waiting for orders. 

I just, I want to feel safe again.

I woke up thrashing and crying out in a blind fear.

I still can't move!

"Aqua snap out of it!"

I stopped immediately, noticing Cancer sitting on top of me, pinning my arms at my sides. I then shifted my head slightly to find Pisces lying across my legs, holding them down in place, and flinching every time they hinted at movement.

Cancer looked down at me, concern filling her eyes. "Aqua, are you okay?" Her grip got looser, and she let her guard down.  Eventually Cancer changed her position, kneeling on me.  Her knees dug into my chest.

I examined my room. Nothing seemed out of place. "Yeah. I'm okay. Just a nightmare. By the way, why are you guys pinning me down?"

Cancer sighed, and climbed off. Pisces followed, sliding onto the floor. "You were screaming, so we came and checked on you. We actually found you pretty still until you started thrashing around and slamming your legs and arms into everything out of nowhere. I mean look you're all bruised now!"

I went silent for a minute, glancing at my limbs. They were black and blue.

"Hey, by the way, if you ever need anything, just ask!" Pisces giggled, flashing me a thumbs up.

"Yeah, of course. I would never lie to you guys."

Libra's POV

Looking in the mirror first thing in the morning is what fully wakes me up.  I'm motivated by the urge to fix myself, and make it perfect. 

I was a pageant girl as a child, and went under a pretty strict lifestyle.  I never ate any sweets, and only ate four meals a week.  If I won a pageant, as a prize sometimes my mom would give me a bite of her food. 

If you ask me, she was pretty soft on me.  Some would say otherwise, but they don't understand.  She just wanted me to look good.  She just wanted the best for me. 

She's the best mom ever. 

When I was eight, she got me my first Botox injection (we did it at home). She didn't want me getting wrinkles from screaming and crying too much. It felt weird at first, and made me look so bloated, but eventually they gave a fresh, beautiful look. 

My mom always told me, 'symmetry is beauty'  so I guess I naturally feel disgusted by things that are uneven, or don't match exactly. 

When I saw myself in the mirror, on of my braids had come out, and it left me with one half of my head braided, and the other just a curly mess.  I almost screamed when I saw myself.  It was atrocious.  Getting up in the morning is usually pretty difficult for people, including me.  It's just, my reason isn't the same as theirs.

Whenever I tell people this, they begin to look at me differently

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Whenever I tell people this, they begin to look at me differently.   I hate it. 

They look at me like a kicked puppy, groveling in the dirt.  They look at me with those eyes that say 'you poor thing.  You can't do anything, can you?' 

It's disgusting. 

They treated me like cracked glass about to break with the slightest touch.  I guess along the line I began burying that part of my past. 

I want people to see me, and count on me.  I want them to have faith in me. 

It's not like I'm lying.  It's just, unless directly asked if I was a pageant girl, I wouldn't say anything about it . If someone asked me about my past, I would just say my mother always pushed me to be the best.  In a way, it's the truth.  No need for the details.

It's really not sad or anything.  I mean, yeah I was diagnosed with mild OCD at a young age, but it's not like it takes over my life.  It's mild after all. 

It's no big deal.  At least, that's what my mother said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2016 ⏰

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