Worried About Self-Image

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Left to right: Young Virgo, Young Cancer, Young Taurus. Say what you want about little Taurus I think he's the cutest one there. (≧∇≦)HE'S ADORABLE HOLY SHIT.

Taurus's POV

Hey, you see the picture?  That's me and my friends in kindergarten.  I'm the one on the far right.  Yup.  I was a bit on the chubby side way back when.  The one with the cat in her hair is one of my best friends, Cancer.  She changed a lot since then.  Besides her is my best man Virgo.  He's the one looking like he's planning murder.  Actually never mind, we all look like we're planning murder.

"Taurus!" A friend of mine, Aqua poked my ear. "Oh what?" I blinked a few times to get my vision into focus. Aqua stared at me with dark blue eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. Aqua picked up a shiny blue bottle siting beside him and took a sip. "Oh dude, can I have some water, I'm super thirsty." Aquarius shot a glare at me, and tightened his grip on his bottle, "No, I barely have any left." I rolled my eyes, and stood up. "Fine then, I'll be right back. I wanna get a drink of water."

My legs shook as I stood up, but Aqua paid no attention. He kept blinking rapidly, and rubbing his eyes. His dark bags made it look like he had gotten in a fist fight with his sisters.

My breathing became ragged, and my head swam. I blinked a few times, before shaking my head. Nothing to worry about. I trailed along the wall for balance as I made my way to the fountain. The shiny metal of the fountain caught my reflection, and my heart stopped.

My face looked like it belonged to a chipmunk's. I had like three necks... I'm letting loose again. I heard my stomach make a low grumbling sound, and scowled. I must have been there at the fountain for ten minutes, hoping to make myself full with water.

Ugh, reaching out to push the button made me sick. I don't even have any wrists! It's just layers of fat. I pulled my grey hood up, hoping to hide my hideous appearance. By the time I got back, Aqua was leaning against the wall, sleeping.

His leg was twitching, and his hands were drumming against his stomach. His head made random jerks, and his face contorted into looks of fear, and anger. I flicked his forehead, and he woke up with a start. He fell backwards, bumping into the wall, and his eyes were frantic for a split second.

"Aqua, you okay?" I asked. Aqua nodded, glancing at a row of lockers cautiously. "Yeah... I'm fine." He muttered. 

Aqua and I didn't talk again that day.  I mainly hung out with Virgo and Cancer.  Although the two of them seemed distant.  Cancer stayed oddly close to the two of us.  Like to the point where I could hear her jagged breathing.  Her hair was messy as if she couldn't sleep, and she was more jumpy than usual. 

Virgo on the other hand was a nervous wreck.  Well, since I mentioned our test scores from the other day. "I never asked you— if it's okay what you got?" I asked Cancer. She shrugged. "I got an A-, I'm pretty satisfied with it I guess."

Her arm brushed against mine. "Well I got a B, so hey at least you did better than me." She laughed and flashed me a grin. "Hey, a B is an excellent grade." She then paused and looked at Virgo, who was fiddling with his hands.

"What did you get Vi?" Virgo shrugged, and avoided our eyes. "A".

I punched him in the arm playfully, and he just gave a small smile. "You're always on top Vi." 

Virgo smiled a bit, and quickly changed the subject.  "So!"  He leaned against a tree.
"I was thinking we all go camping."  Cancer and I exchanged glances.  She raised a brow and crossed her arms. 

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