Field Day!

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"Things that people normally heal from, damage them inside .  This is the price you pay when an immortal being takes on a weak, fragile, mortal vessel."

"Indeed sir, it is quite a shame..."

Sagittarius's POV

I'm sitting in the car with a bagel in my hand.  My mom toasted it for me and shoved it in my hand, but not a single bite has been taken.  Why you ask?  Because I can't eat it. 

My body won't allow me.

Some of you may be confused, and so am I actually.  I don't know, this has been happening for a while, and I can't explain it.  I get this sick feeling in my stomach on school days, or just days where I'm leaving home.  For example, if it's the weekend, even if I don't have school, but I'm still going to a gathering or something, I can't eat breakfast.  It's a weird phenomenon, but my mom never questioned it. 

Maybe because I never told her, and give my breakfasts to Gemini in the mornings. 

I've tried to eat, I really have, but my body doesn't allow it.  I start to feel sick, and gag even.  The most I can have is two small bites.  After that I can't take it.  Kinda makes me feel like a ghoul (If you get it, I love you.)

We pick her up every morning for school, because her parents are always working.  It's easier that way for her so she doesn't have to spend money on a bus. 

I guess people don't question it, because a lot of people don't have breakfast.  Maybe they just figure I'm trying to lose weight because I'm a teenage girl.  You know, stereotypes.

As a child, I was constantly belittled and taught my voice didn't matter.  My so called friends did everything they could to embarrass me, and that included dumping a bucket of goo on my head during a play. 

Maybe this added on to my already fragile mind.  I also happen to be an over thinker, so that doesn't help. 

"Hey, you."

I jumped a bit, slightly surprised as my mom was letting us out of the car.  As I opened the door, I realized I hadn't been breathing. Did I forget again? I start trying to put my breathing pattern back in place, but it just makes me feel like I'm suffocating. Rolling my eyes, I yawn, and I can breathe again.

"Thanks mom, love you!" 

Gemini didn't say anything to her, just staring as she drove off. 

"What's up Gem?"  I asked, fidgeting with my coat sleeves. 

Gemini's eyes bore into me, glaring as if she could see my inner thoughts and soul. 


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