Two Sides and Midnight Problems

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^pic up there is Leo and Aquarius^

Leo's POV

I leaned against my locker, scrolling through tumblr on my phone. "He's right over there!" I turned off my phone, and stared at the reflection. A giggling group of girls crowded behind me, pointing and pushing one of their friends towards me. "Go!" They urged. I turned back to tumblr, and pretended to not notice her.

Her timid footsteps sounded like elephant stomps in my ears. She tapped me on the shoulder. "Yes?" I spun around to face her. She was short, well at least compared to me and was rather thin.

"Hey... Leo? Listen... I've liked you for a really long time, and I was hoping you could return those feelings..."  I leaned in so close my breath was probably tickling her ear.  "No." I whispered.  Looking her up and down, she obviously wasn't good enough for me. Her hairstyle was boring, she had a flat chest, no butt, she was literally just skin and bones.  She had horrible posture, and she looked like a hobo. Ugh, compared to me she was a piece of dirt.

She looked down at her feet, her face burning red. "Oh... Okay, I'm sorry I bothered you.." She muttered. "Just walk away you disgusting piece of trash." I hissed. The girl scurried away, hiding her face in her hands.

"Hey Leo!"  My friend Sagittarius beamed.  She strolled over, glancing at the crying girl rushing back to her friends.  "What happened?"  I grinned reassuringly.  "Nothing to worry about." Sagittarius just shrugged. She wasn't the nosy type.

"Yeah okay." She said coolly. "Anyways how's Gem?" I asked. Sagittarius wiggled her eyebrows, and I just rolled my eyes. "She's fine... Why do you want to know?" She playfully nudged me. "You ass, am I not allowed to wonder about my friends?" Sagittarius shrugged, that sly grin not leaving her face. "I don't know, can you?"

"Just shut up.." I punched her in the arm, only making her giggle more. "Well, hey I gotta get to class. Bye Lee!" I nodded, and she skipped off.

Saggi and I have known each other since we were in diapers. Our moms were best friends, and we would have playdates like every other day.

When I turned four, I met her cousin Gemini. Gemini was three.  We got along instantly,and the three of us were inseparable. 

Around the time they started going to kindergarten, they met some new girl who's name was... Capricorn I think?  Anyways they became quick friends, and I was replaced.  I moved away about a month later, and by then we never even talked anymore so it wasn't that big of a loss. 

Our moms stopped talking eventually, and we just started from scratch.  Everyday, I would come home crying because I was bullied at school.  The kids called me ugly, stupid, and a poop head.   I was like eight at the time so...

My mom would hold me in her arms day after day, and tell me how great I was.  Although we didn't have much, she did her best to pamper me as best she could.  I began babysitting at twelve, and tried to make my own money. 

I was good with kids, my mom said I had the charm.  I had several customers I guess you could call them, and made about twenty dollars a week.  To help out , I did all the cleaning around the house,  bought my own clothing and sometimes for my mom, and I cooked the meals. 

Some people might think that I was mean to that girl who basically just poured her heart out for me.  No, I wasn't. 

She wasn't good enough.  I am a talented, young, good looking guy.  I do everything myself, and still have the time to make myself look decent.  I mean, come on. 

She looks like the last time she ate was probably two days ago.  I could tell from her clothing, she had more money than me.  Although she had decent clothing, she still didn't even put any effort into making actually look good. 

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