Today is the Day I Die

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Aries's POV

Why do we have to be here, I mean we all know that nobody is going to bond here. Everyone's just going to go off and do their own thing—like I am now.

I was wandering around the forest, like apparently everybody else has been doing, and came across a large creek. I got bored at the campsite, so I decided to go all Indiana Jones and explore the shit out of this forest.

I floated around until I found some dead tree lying around, and using my manpower, I hauled it back to the creek. There I shoved it over the opening of the creek, where I proceeded to cross it all brave like.
Okay fine I got down on my stomach and dragged myself across. I guess I didn't think it through, because I felt like I was scraping my body along a cheese grater.

When I was done, I flopped over onto my back, and lay there, staring up at the lush green leaves that drooped down from their branches. I was feeling pretty content with myself, until the ants started crawling up my shorts.

I screamed and jumped to my feet, doing this weird version of the harlem shake, and basically acting like I was having an intense seizure.

I decided that maybe exploring might not be so much fun, and went back to the campsite. Although on my way back, I didn't cross using that dead tree. I instead leaped into the creek, and crawled my way back out.

By the time I'd made it back to camp, everyone was already eating their dinner, and I hadn't realized before that my stomach was growling. Maybe I didn't notice it because of the agonizing pain of a cheese grater.

So in a hurry to eat, I grabbed a tray and got in the nonexistent line.  I ended up just getting like some cake and an apple.  That should be enough.

I scanned the cafeteria for my friends—Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, and found them sitting in the middle table.

I placed down my tray, only carrying my apple and cake on a small plate. I jogged over to them, covered in dirt and blood.

"Woah dude, did you like, kill someone and bury the body?" Aquarius wondered aloud upon noticing me.

"What? No." I said, taking a seat besides Scorpio, who was making the grim reaper with his gravy.

"Why would you think that Aries killed someone?" Leo asked Aqua, chuckling.

Aquarius didn't smile back.  He had a grim look on his face, and wouldn't look any of us in the eye. 

"Aquarius, spill it."  Scorpio demanded, pushing his grim reaper away. 

Aquarius sighed, pushing his plate away as well.  " Well apparently there's this rumour about some killer in these woods.  I heard it from some dickhead kid before we got into the bus."

"Well, why are you only thinking about it now?" Leo said with a frown.

Aquarius shrugged. "Well earlier today I saw some blood in the woods."

"That could've been mine." I pointed out, rolling my apple over to Leo, and eating the cake.

Aquarius looked uneasy, the dark circles around his eyes making him look like some crazy drunk. 

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