Zodiac Boys

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Gender: Male
Height: 6'1
Description: Messy brown hair, with kind green eyes, and unnaturally pale skin— almost grey
Personality: kind and loving, and has a cheesy sense of humour.  He's good at telling when others are lying, and will always go out of his way to help friends.  Wanna find him?  Anywhere with food.
Hobbies: Eating, watching Netflix, sleeping, walking his dog
Family: Dexter (dog)
Crush: Cancer

Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Description: black hair, with red flaming eyes. Dark circles surround his tired eyes.
Personality: Closed off, quiet, very secretive, and gets angry easily. He disappears a lot, and doesn't have a specific spot he goes to so...
Hobbies: watching people, drawing, deleting his internet browser history....?
Crush: Pisces

Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Description: Large blue eyes, sometimes wears reading glasses, and black hair.
Personality: Loves adventure, and his two younger sisters. Can get rough, and is constantly breaking things. He has a weird imagination, and is very fun loving. He also hates to follow rules, and can often be found near water.
Hobbies: Playing pranks on people, and watching fail videos on Youtube, he also loves reading.
Family: Cancer(younger sister), Pisces (youngest sister)
Crush: Sagittarius

Gender: Male
Height: 6'4
Description: fiery red hair, and burning red eyes that melt you soul. O.o
Personality: Has bad anger issues, and likes to challenge people. Aries is very athletic and adventurous, and likes to pretend he's fearless. He is surprisingly a kind guy, and cares about his sister, Capricorn.
Hobbies: picking fights, pranking people, (secretly) watching anime
Family: Capricorn (younger sister)
Crush: Libra

Gender: Male
Height: 5'12
Description: Dark, messy purple hair, with black eyes that peer into your mind....
Personality: Likes to be number one in everything, is shy, highly competitive, crazy when you get to know him! He can often be found on his balcony, laughing.
Hobbies: being better than you, studying, organizing his locker, making water balloons and dropping them off his balcony.
Crush: Nobody

Gender: Male
Height: 6'3
Description: Beautiful golden hair, with captivating amber eyes, and a winning smile.  ;-;
Personality: Narcissistic, good in about everything (rivals Virgo??), ladies man, very secretive and clever.
Hobbies: Taking selfies, making how to videos, drawing, playing sports, going swimming (guess why.)
Crush: Himself.  (Lol JK) Libra.

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