Into the House of the Rich

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^The picture above is Aries and Capricorn.^

"The children... They're too mentally fragile, they'll never make it."

Capricorn's POV

I got in the passenger's seat of Aries's black sedan, leaving my bag at my feet.  Aries was my brother, believe it or not.  We're total opposites...  "Hey Cap". Aries climbed into the driver's seat, and shoved the key in the ignition.  We backed out of the school parking lot.  Aries watched me as we got on the road.  Concern filled his eyes.  "Stop looking at me, keep your eyes on the road...  I'm fine."  I grumbled. 

Aries rolled his eyes, glancing in his sideview mirror.  "Why the fuck is this person so close to us?"  He hissed.  I looked behind us.  Some middle aged man was tailgating us.  "Seriously, if I stopped suddenly, they would crash into us!"  I could feel my heartbeat speed up slightly. 

Aries rolled down his window, and flipped off the man behind us.  "Aries, calm down.  We'll be fine."  I scolded, as the feeling left me.  Aries just scoffed in response.

The two of us were separated at a very young age. He wandered off, and went missing when he was five, and I was four. It was a miracle he ever showed up. He ended up in a foster home, and was raised by a different family. We didn't get a chance to grow up together. Two years ago, he popped up on the News. He was all alone. I originally thought his foster family got rid of him for some reason, but that wasn't the case.

Growing up, my dad kind of neglected me in a way. He was mourning Aries, who was always the star of the family. My mother committed suicide, from the stress of losing her child when I was five. Dad never really paid attention to me, and spent most of his time working, or in his room. When Aries was discovered, he was over the moon with joy. And Aries once again lives with my dad and I.

My dad was now a more cheerful person, and spent a lot of time with us. Or, he spent a lot of time with Aries. Dad still barely paid attention to me. It was almost as if I didn't exist.

Aries parked the car in the garage, and looked up at the large house looming over him. "I don't think I'll ever get used to this." He muttered in awe. You see, my dad is rich. He owns several buildings in London. "Close your mouth, you're drooling."

I tapped his chin, and walked walked past him.  Aries followed behind.  Pushing open the doors, I was greeted with a cold blast of air. 

I went up to my room, and took out my phone.  I began to blast rock music on full volume, and started on my homework.  At that point, my mind seemed to go blank.

I already knew most of this, I mean, I read ahead in the textbook, so I'm always one step ahead.  I finished my homework quickly, and neatly.  Aries only came into my room three times to ask about parts he didn't understand. When I was done, I took a small nap.

I rubbed my eyes, and looked at my clock. 5:03 I jumped up. Dad should be home in about an hour... I put my hair up in a neat bun, and rushed downstairs. I ripped a cookbook off the kitchen counter, and began cooking.

I barely had time to set the table, before dad burst through the door. "Hey dad." I said, washing my hands in the kitchen sick. "Hi." He muttered, not even looking at me. Aries came running down the stairs, smelling the food I had made. Chicken with mashed potatoes, and salad on the side.

Aries licked his lips, waving at our dad. "Hey dad!" He grinned hungrily at the food. "Hey Aries!" Dad greeted cheerfully.

"So kids, how was your day?" Dad pulled up a chair, and helped himself to the food. Aries grinned triumphantly. "My team won the Basketball Tournament!" He announced. My dad smiled proudly. "Really? I'm so proud of you son! You were probably the best player there!" He exclaimed. I rolled my eyes.

"And what about you, Cap?" I shrugged, using my fork to push around the contents on my plate. "When is that Mathletes Competition again, I don't want to miss it!" I scowled at my plate, impaling a piece of broccoli. "Last week."

Aries's POV

Capricorn didn't talk much during dinner, but then again, she was a pretty quiet person. I dropped my plate in the sink, and went straight up to my room. I climbed up the stairs, the wood creaking louder with each step. It was almost rhythmic. 

Capricorn had already gone up to her room, seemingly upset about something.  I just guess it was something that happened in school.  I slammed my door shut, and whipped out my phone.


I stared at the text notification for a while, contemplating whether I should just ignore him, or answer.
Meh, I have nothing else to do..

Aries: hey.

Leo: sooo best person in the entire world!

Aries: ....

Aries: what do you want?

Leo: hey, can't I genuinely compliment a friend ?

Aries: no.

Leo: eghhh. Fine, can I live with you?

Aries: um, what?

Leo: I need to get away from my parents for a while.

I stared at the screen for a while. What was so bad that he needed to leave his home?

Leo: please?

Aries: yeah.. Sure whatever.

Leo: thanks. Btw I'm the best so. HA SUCKA. 😝

Aries: ...

I rolled my eyes, and set my phone down.  I'll tell my dad later, he probably won't mind.  I set a time on my alarm clock, and laid down on my bed, and shut my eyes.

I was sitting in the backseat of an old car, playing flappy bird on my phone. 28, 29, 3- "SHIT." I growled in anger, tossing my phone across the seats. "Aries, language." A woman sitting in front of me, in the passenger's seat scolded. I stuck up the middle finger, making her mouth form an 'o' shape. "We will talk about this later!" She snapped. I glanced out the window, and raised my brow. "Hey.. Where are we going?" I asked. The man sitting in the driver's seat glanced at me through his rearview mirror.

"Too much traffic on the main road, we're taking a short cut."

I shrugged, and picked up my phone again. I turned on some screamo music on full volume, nodding my head along. "Aries! Turn that down". The man in the front seat turned slightly, glaring at me.

I didn't get a chance to reply. Screams echoed, as a red jeep slammed into the front side of the car. Everything went
by so fast, but so graphic... All I could see was red.

I woke up in a cold sweat. Tears stained my pillow, and I couldn't breathe. The memories of that day came flooding back into my mind. Why did I have to be the one to survive..?
There HUHOOOO it's longer. -.-

Life As A Zodiac Sign (ON HIATUS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang