We're Going On A Trip!

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Hey, my name is Scorpio.  Shut up I know it sounds like 'scorpion'.  My parents must have hated me to name me that.  Now before we get on with the story, let me tell you something; despite what everyone thinks, I'm not a total dick. I can actually be a nice guy.

Today the class was going on a field trip— we were apparently going camping in the forest, oh how fun, and I was stuck sitting beside Aquarius.  He kept bouncing in his seat and wouldn't shut up.  He kept yelling in my ear when I was trying to watch Youtube.  "Will you just shut up?" I demanded.  He shook his head.  "Then just take a nap, and leave me alone."  Aquarius scoffed.  "Dude I'm not going to sleep any time soon, I'm still awake from all that coffee I drank this morning." 

In other words, I'm doomed. 

The entire trip made me want to kill myself, especially since I thought Aqua would calm down even for a little while, but he didn't!  The hell?  It didn't help that the rest of the bus was incredibly loud too.  I slumped back in my seat and groaned.  Why couldn't I just stay home sick?

I jumped in my seat as somebody poked my shoulder.  I turned to see Aqua's little sister, Pisces.  She sat in the seat across from me, next to her sleeping sister Cancer.  "You look tired."  She took out a pair of earplugs while glancing at her brother in dismay.  "Here. Take these."  She smiled at me, and leaned back in her seat where she began to play on her phone. 

"Thanks..."  I muttered, and happily stuffed them in my ears.  I watched as the world around me went silent, and quickly dozed off.

I awoke in a dark room. Where am I? A a light flickered on, shining a dim light on me. I turned around, looking in all directions to give any clue as to where I am. Is this going to turn out like Saw?

When I turned, I found... Me. It was an exact replica of me, only he was nude. Let's call him Scorpi2.  I stumbled back in surprise. The copy of me was covered in dirt, and cuts that didn't look natural. And it wasn't just a few cuts here and there, he was completely covered in them, as well as a few burn marks.  What really bothered me though, was the look in his eye when he saw me— complete and utter fear. 

"Hey.."  I reached a hand out and just brushed my finger along his arm when he let out a bloodcurdling scream.  I jerked back, and noticed his arm was bleeding.  Scorpi2  fell backwards, clutching his arm as I came closer.  He quickly scooted backwards, and scrambled to his feet before sprinting away.  "Hey wait!"  I yelled.  Scorpi2 began to scream and cry as I tried to catch up to him.  He turned and disappeared around a corner. 

By the time I caught up, he dropped to the floor in a fetal position and exploded into a bunch of black feathers.  I plucked one as it sailed to the ground, and it crumbled to dust in my hands. 

Suddenly the ground began to shake violently, and a deep voice appeared.  "Scorpio!"  It bellowed.

"Scorpio!"  I opened my eyes to find a giddy Aquarius shaking me.  "Get the fuck off me."  I grumbled.  He climbed over me, and began to walk down the aisle of the bus.  "C'mon, we're here."  He said over his shoulder.

I quickly gathered all my things and hurried out so I wouldn't get left behind. As soon as I stepped out I was hit with a strong gust of wind.  I pulled my black hood up, and hid my hands in my sleeves.  The only one who seemed to be enjoying this was Virgo.  Im pretty sure other people would enjoy it too though, if it were a nicer day. 

He was bouncing on the balls of his feet, with his arms around Taurus and Cancer.  The two of them seemed highly irritated.  Libra stood with Gemini, Saggi and Leo. Leo just rolled his eyes and began to play on his phone, whereas Saggi was leaning against a tree looking like she could fall asleep. Gemini was sitting on a rock, drumming it with her fingers and shaking her leg. Libra on the other hand looked very bothered by the scene around her.

I looked over to Aquarius who was running around to every one and telling them about the Slenderman Conspiracy. Pisces let out a shriek and hid behind her older sister, who went pale.

Aries decided to make his way over to me, and his sister Cap just went in the opposite direction to go talk to Virgo and his crew.  He glances at me, and raises an eyebrow.  "Dude, why are you sweating, it's so fucking cold!"  Aries exclaims.  I wipe my forehead with my hoodie sleeve.  "This jacket's really warm."  I lied.

Libra's POV

How long were we on that bus?  One hour? Two hours?  I moved to check my watch when the teacher came around

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How long were we on that bus?  One hour? Two hours?  I moved to check my watch when the teacher came around.  "All electronics with me!"  She announced, and began to collect our phones, earbuds and anything else we might have.  "Oh! And that includes watches."  My friend Gemini glanced at my wrist.  My heart started to beat faster, and I ripped my watch off and shoved it in my pocket.  The teacher came around to us, and Gemini and I dropped our phones in the bin she carried around.  "And Libra, I'm going to need your watch."  My palms got sweaty.  "Oh I uh didn't bring it today, must have forgotten to."  I gave her an awkward smile, and she stared hard at me with her raven like eyes. 


Walking to the campsite, I couldnt help but count the steps I took to get there.  You know, in case I get lost.  It is a big forest after all.  Gemini didn't say a word to me on the way there.  I don't think she approves of me lying to the teacher about having a watch.  She probably hates me now.  Well who cares anyway.  I don't need someone who doesn't understand.  I'm okay.  Am I okay?  Yeah i think I'm okay. 

My eyes were trained on the ground.  So many things going on, it's making my head spin.  I see teeny tiny bugs crawling in the dirt, and millions of twigs sprawled out underneath my feet.  Small patches of grass bent from being stepped on.  I wonder how many little individual grass blades there are there.  One two three...  Oh I lost count.  This is so confusing. 

"Hey Libra!"  Gemini grabbed my arm, jerking me out of my daze.  "Look!"  She pointed to a row of old, wooden cabins.  "That's creepy."  I said with a frown.  Am I really going to be sleeping here?


PLEASE FORGIVE MEI HAVE HAD THE WORST WRITER'S BLOCK IN THE HISTORY OF WRITER'S BLOCK.  This chapter was also very short too, so I apologize for that.  But hey, about Scorpio's dream, does anyone have any idea what his subconscious is trying to tell him?  Put your answer in the comments, and I'll do my best to upload a new chapter asap. 

Psych out

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