Why Do Feelings Exist

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Capricorn's POV

"Fuck you."

I sit at the foot of a bed, debating with Libra on who gets what in the cabin. I'm sharing it with her as well as Gemini. It's a small place, with one bathroom off to the right, and two windows on either side of the room. Three beds lay in the centre, the two on the side being parallel to the windows.

Libra glared at me, "Look, I can't take the ones by the windows." Libra huffed.
"Um, why?" I said, rolling my eyes.
Libra glanced over to the windows, "Well duh, they're so uneven it's disgusting. The only decent thing in this room is this bed you're trying to claim. It's dead centre."
"Yeah sure you can have it."

Libra blinked in confusion. "Really?"
"Yeah." I stood up, and picked up my black duffel bag, which held all my camping supplies. "It's fine."

Libra grinned, patting me on the back. "Thanks!"

I nodded, and headed over to the bed on the left. I guess this is my new home for the next few days.

The camp counsellors gave us time to unwind, get settled in, and called us out an hour later.  Apparently the purpose of this camp was to grow closer to each other, and form a bond.  Whoop dee do. I didn't want to be trapped in the cabin with all the others, so I found myself wandering away, and back into the woods.

Is it just me, or does it seem much less lonely to actually be alone, than in a room full of people? I felt at peace in the woods. So wonderfully at p—


A tree branch came flying out of nowhere, nearly falling onto my head. I yelled, and dove for cover. Sticks poked through my already ripped jeans, and dirt was smeared across my limbs. I looked up to see Virgo sitting in a tall maple tree, with a sheepish grin.

"Sorry...!" He called down.

I wasn't exactly sure how to reply. I sat there kind of dazed for a while. So I burst out laughing. I mean if you look at it from my point of view, it really is pretty funny right? Here I was, thinking I was all alone; while Virgo here was probably thinking the same thing.

Virgo looked down at me with perplexed eyes. He was officially confused. I glanced to my right. Next to a small bush lay five stacks, with five branches in almost every pile, except for one.

Virgo cautiously climbed down the tree, skipping the last three steps and just jumping down. He picked up the branch that'd just nearly killed me, and plopped it into the last pile. "There, all done!" He said with a grin.

I hadn't noticed before, but Virgo had a hatchet hooked onto his belt. It had chips and cracks to decorate it. I then glanced at the pile of branches. Those weren't thin in the slightest. How long has he been here collecting wood, and why? He must have noticed me staring, because he ended up reading my mind.

"They asked me to gather some wood for the campfire tonight. You think it's enough?" He asked.

I laughed again, looking at the neat piles. "Maybe a little too much..."

Cancer's POV

I really don't want to be here. I mean I like nature and all, but we're out in the middle of nowhere, unable to contact the outside world. Isn't that creepy? I mean, what if the school sent us here to be killed? What if the camp was meant to reduce the school's capacity so more, better students can come in?

I sat alone, somewhere in the forest who knows. A tree towered over me, getting sap all over my new camp T-shirt. Who cares though. I'm going to die here anyways.

Suddenly hands wrapped around my neck, causing me to shriek. This is it, this is where I die. Their grip quickly tightened, before slowly letting me go. Instinct kicked in, and I ripped a branch off the ground. I whipped around, holding it out like a weapon, ready to face my attacker.

A young girl stood in front of me, seemingly about my age. She had long black hair, and glowing blue eyes. Her skin was pale, but nearly perfect. She wore a small jean jacket over a black hoodie, with ripped jeans and hiking boots.

"Alice?" I broke into a grin. I've known her since as long as I can remember. We've been best friends for years.

"Hey Cancie!" She said with a wide smile.

Alice was always there for me in times of stress. She was everything anyone would want in a best friend.  Actually, I'm her only friend.  People just don't tend to pay attention to her.  Well that and the fact that she's always running away when it comes to other people.  I guess you could call her a bit of an introvert?

  I guess you could call her a bit of an introvert?

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The two of us hugged, and Alice slumped in my arms. 

"Im tired..."  She moaned. 

We pulled away.  "I don't remember seeing you on the bus," I commented.

Alice smirked.  "I have my ways..."  She whispered, sticking a finger in front of her mouth. 

"I won't tell anyone, I promise."  I stuck my hands up.

Alice just nodded, and sat down under the tree.  "Sit with me."  She said with her eyes closed.

So I did.  It's okay if I miss a few camp activities.  Nobody will notice...

I woke up probably an hour later, with Alice nowhere to be found.  She probably had to flee because someone was walking around, and she got scared.  Who knows.

Hey guys, sorry that was such a short and boring chapter.  I'm having a lot of trouble for the fillers, and I'm just running out of inspiration.  My brain is empty.

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