Open Those Eye's (H20Vanoss)

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You know the feeling that you get in hospitals? That feeling of sadness and death? Because that's what a hospital is, a place for dying people to be given hope. A place were that hope is crushed, and tears are shed.

I know this because I'm currently at a hospital. I'm having to watch doctors and nurses start his heart back up. He flatlined, he could've left me. He didn't and that's the important part. So about a hour later I was allowed back inside. Instantly I sat in the uncomfortable chair and grabbed his hands.

I kissed the back of his pale hands, I could still remember when they were a beautiful honey color. Then I took the risk of looking at his face. He wore a smile, a genuine smile. It looked like he was dreaming, like he wanted to stay there forever and that scared me.

So I did the only sensible thing, I cried. I cried and sobbed whispering for him to come back, because in a week they would pull the plug. After 6 months, 6 months! And their giving up on him.

Everyday that week I went to him, and I sat by his side until I was kicked out kicking and screaming. On the last day I sat there with no more tears running down my face. My eyes were red and held no water left.

The only time I left was to do something I hadn't done in a while. I went to the church part of the hospital, where many people sat in a whispering silence praying for their loved ones. It makes you wonder if somebody got it worse than you, that what you're experiencing is like child's play to them.

Making my way through the rows I sat in the second to last row. It was the place with the least people. I sat down and closed my eyes, holding my hands in my lap. Then I spoke.

"We haven't talked in a while big guy. It's just that my life has been good without you so far, but I need ya again. I need a miracle to happen, and for him to come back to me. I know I'm not worth helping, that I've done many bad things and deserve this, b-but he doesn't.

He is an amazing and kind person who has changed me. He has made me a good person, and helped me love not only myself, but him to. God, if you can't see his worth, I gotta wonder if you're blind.

Anyways, will you please help him. Save him from his fate, and help him create his own path? One where he lives and gets to help people. One where he gets to laugh and have thousands laugh with him. Even though this is selfish, I want him to live his live with me.

Amen," finished and I headed back his room.

-3rd Person-ish-

  He sat down and just stared and remembered all the times we had and all the ones we could of. All the small kisses or long cuddles. The taste of his pancakes in the morning or how he'd make him brush his teeth with him. Now all these little things will never happen again.

So Jonathan sat on a chair beside my lover's bed holding both his pale hands at 6:45pm. These were the last 15 minutes he'll ever get to spend with Evan Vanoss and I just felt numb. Like he held my heart, and now that he's fading so are my feelings.

Sighing he decided to talk to him.

"You know that I love you right? I don't think I said it enough, which is my fault. I mean how could I not love your beautiful brown eyes or amazing honey skin. How could I not fall so deeply, undeniably in love with you?

I know you're in a coma right now and if you can hear you've picked up on the fact they're about to pull your plug. Forcing you to kick the can, is the way I'd word it.

It's funny you know, getting 10 minutes left to be with you. I feel like our whole life is flashing before my eyes, telling me that this is it. Saying that these memories are all you can have."

Jonathan put his head in his hands and continued, "You know what I say? I say fuck life! I say you deserve to live! You were a good person that bad things have happened to, and I just don't want that to be your death.

I want you and me to die side by side, as we take out final breathes. Our death certificate would say 'death by old age.'

So let's ignore the rules. Let's beat life at its own game okay, because you were always so good at video games. Just beat the final stage and come back! That how you gotta do it. Beat it and save your prince from his own hatred."

Jonathan glanced at his watch that read 6:58.

"Please don't go. Please don't leave me. P-please?" The whimpering words came out of Jonathan's mouth. He had 2 minutes left and he didn't know what to do, so he squeezed Evan's hands lightly.

He was about to get up and go get the doctor when he felt something. He squeezed back. He felt Evan squeeze back!

He almost got whiplash when he turned his head to his lover's form. He no longer had the expression of a dreaming man, but that of a wide awake one. His beautiful brown eyes were open and his mouth was turned into a smile.

Jonathan's eyes teared up and he closed his eyes. It was a dream like many others, he was sure of it. That was until a voice spoke, "D-Darling, open those b-beautiful eyes."

Even though his voice was cracked from lack of water, and even if it was low because he hadn't spoken in a while Jonathan heard him and understood.

He opened his blue eyes and stared into his lover's.


Disregard what I said in the beginning, I had it all wrong. A hospital is a place for people to heal. A place where people live and die. It breaks hearts and it creates miracles. It is a place of balance and where good people go to die, and bad people go to live. When bad people die and good people live. It is a place of balance, and I understand that now.

This is not edited.

See ya, Humans

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