Letters To A Crime Committer [SeaMexican]

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 TRIGGER WARNING: I don't condone self harming or suicide. Please know that I love everyone of you 'lil marshmallows :).


Adam- Italics

Max- BoldItalics


 Dear Adam, 

 I don't think you know who I am. I was that kid in the back of the class, nerdy, always bullied. I have black hair and brown eyes, I'm Mexican. 

 Anyways I decided to write you. 

 So I have a couple questions. First is how are you liking Prison? Are the guards and prisoners nice? Finally why are you in there? I couldn't find anything in the papers or on the internet. 

 Sincerely, Max

 Dear Max, 

 Honestly I do remember you. You hung out with Anthony and Steven right? I'm sorry It's been so long. Oh, and I have many friends. There is Minx, Cry, Ohm, and a lot of other people. They are all nice. The guards are as kind as guards could be. Sometimes they even share some of their lunches with us. 

 Your last question...

 I murdered someone. 

 Sincerely, Adam

 Dear Adam, 

 You are right. I hung out with Steven and Anthony, fuck I still do. And guess what? They finally got together! Like it was adorable when Anthony went to surprise him with a box of chocolate and a bear on valentines. Steven was a stuttering mess to say the least. 

 Anyways how are you? I have to say I'm not doing the best. I have just been diagnosed my 6th... maybe 5th disorder. This one had been bugging me a lot lately and I just want them to stop. To stop...

 So a little about me (Since I haven't really introduced myself). My name is Max Gonzalez. I have a YouTube channel that I post content of me playing video games with my friends. It is the best job i could've asked for and I'm very happy with it. My favorite thing to do is play video games (obviously). And that's about it sooo, yeah. 

 Last but not least. I don't care if you murdered someone. I just want to know you, not...not the other one. 

 Sincerely, Max

 Dear Max, 

 I am fine, my only problem is the voices. They are haunting me. Telling me to do bad things.

 But when I write to you they don't bother me as much so thank you. Now a little about myself is that I have schizophrenia and hear voices (If you couldn't tell) and other disorders but that one is the worst by far. It was probably what persuaded me to... ya know. My name is Adam Montoya. I am convicted for a murder I don't remember. I spend my days playing cards with the other prisoners. So far I have dominated them. 

 In any case what is your worst disorder? 

 Sincerely, Adam

 Dear Adam,

 Schizophrenia is my worst disorder. I see people. They tell me stuff, lead me places, it is very severe and was my latest diagnosis. It has started to overwhelm be but don't worry, talking to you helps. 

 Anyways when do you get out? I'd like to meet you. 

 Sincerely, Max

 Dear M-x

 You bastard. How dare you. You should die. Go kill your self with noose, make sure your wrists are cut and you swallow enough pills. Make sure you die okay? Because you are a worthless whore who had mommy and daddy issues. Okay you little faggot? Yeah I know, I saw you sucking off that football player back in High School. 

 You should go to Hell, and before you start to feel happy because you didn't listen just know nobody will miss you. Okay?

 Sincerely, ADAM

 Dear Adam,

 I'll miss you even if you don't miss me.

 Love, Max

 Dear Max,

 Hey! Why are you saying these things? You are happy remember? You do fun things with your friends! Max don't do whatever it is you're planning. 

 Sincerely the Man who Misses You, Adam

"A teenager was found dead in his home around 8am. His body was almost unrecognizable. It was a confirmed suicide, and the victim's name was Max Gonzalez,"


 "A 20 year old was found hanging in a grave yard. He was identified as Adam Montoya who was released from prison only days ago. It remains a mystery to why he did this."


See ya, Humans


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