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"Here we are". I pulled up in Jacques' driveway behind a red car I didn't see before.

"Thank you for taking me to practice and breakfast. That means a lot to me". I smiled.

"It's no problem. You don't have to thank me". He is just to cute.

"Well I have to since you didn't have to do any of that for me". I shrugged.

"Nice people deserve nice things. Now get your ass out my car so I can get in the shower". He laughed and grabbed his stuff from the back seat and got out.

I made sure he got into his house safely before making the drive back to my apartment.

To my "pleasant" suprise when I woke up will was standing over me. He just stood there watchin me. When I got out of the bed and tried to see what was wrong with him, he didn't say anything. He just kept looking at me. So i got up and did my normal routine with him just standing in the same spot, watching my every move.

Before i left he was still standing there.

I pulled into the parking garage in my designated spot. Popping the trunk i got out and took all my things and made my way into the complex.

"Good afternoon ma'am". The lady at the front desk said with a smile.

"Good afternoon". I returned the favor before heading to the stair way.

I like taking the stairs for the little work out it gives me. I live on the ninth floor so I get a lot endurance especially while carrying all this stuff.

When I made it to my floor I walked all the way to the end of the hall where my apartment is. I took a breath as I unlocked the door not knowing what to expect on the other side.

The door widened on its own and there wasn't as sound to be heard.

"Will?" I stepped inside and dropped my bags at the door.
It was to quite in here. Usually the sound of the air conditioner would be going. But there was not a peep.

I closed the door and crept around till I reached the kitchen. I could hear my heart beating faster as I got deeper into the house.

The sound of his timberlands hitting the floor as he walked freaked me out even more.

All the blinds were closed so it's hard to see. The only thing on is the kitchen light.

He appeared from around the corner not looking to happy.

"Why are you still here?" He was shirtless with just his pants and shoes.

"I stayed here waiting for one of your little boyfriends to come over here". He looked me up and down slowly.

"What are you talking about?" I looked around for a good way to get around him.

"After you left I waited to see if you had another nigga up in this nice ass apartment I pay $900 a month for. After a while nothing happened and I was just about to leave; when my boy John sent me a picture of you having a good ol time at some place with that kid". He pulled his phone out and showed me the picture of me and Jacques from earlier.

"Look it's not what I looks like".

"I don't wanna hear that shit! You wanna step out on me?! I fuck you good. Feed you the best of the best! I dress you in expensive shit! And you wanna go be with other niggas?!" The veins in his arms and neck pulsed through his skin. "Do you want me to kill you?!" I backed away with tears blurring my vision. "Huh?! Answer me!"

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