Disclaimer {must read}

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Hello everyone, before I start writing this fanfiction I just wanted to write a few warnings and such. c:


•There will be some torturing/graphic scenes in this story, so if you can't handle that then I suggest you stop reading right now.

•There will be some sexual scenes too, but if you've read any of my stories then you know I add a lot of those so if you don't like that then how the hell did you even get here lmao.

•Each chapter will be in a different point of view. So I'll start with Patrick, then switch to Pete, then back to Patrick and so on. I'll also include a little bit of the end of the last chapter in the beginning of the next chapter so you can see what the other character was thinking.

But that's all I can think of for now. I'll possibly add more in the future.

So I hope you'll enjoy this story as much as I'll enjoy writing it. :-)

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