08| Strippers

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"Can't you give me something to do? Like give me a book, or some paper to draw on, or even a fucking bouncy ball. Anything." Patrick whined as I pulled him to the chains on the wall, I picked up the cuffs and put them on his small wrists. "You have your dildo, use that." I muttered, making sure the cuffs were tight enough so that he couldn't escape. "C'mon, how would you like being locked in a shitty basement for hours with nothing to do." I sighed and I rolled my eyes. What a whiny little bitch.

I let go of his wrists and made my way back up the stairs and out of the basement. I walked down the hallway and stopped in front of a closet before opening it, I grabbed a colouring book and some pencil crayons that were in there. I assumed the previous owner of this place used them, or maybe he had a child that left or died, or something. I closed the closet and walked back to the living room, grabbing the laptop off of the coffee table.

I took all of these things downstairs, throwing the book and crayons at Patrick as he sat on the ground now. I could feel his eyes on me as I grabbed the stool from the corner of the room and pulled it in front of Patrick before setting the laptop down in it, making sure it was out of his reach. I opened it and clicked on a few things before the live video footage from Patricks house popped up. He instantly stood up and walked as close as he could to it, his eyes scanning every box.

"I need to go now, and your mother just left, so don't expect to see her anytime soon." I said, remembering when I checked the footage before I got Patrick out of the bathroom. I had seen his mom getting her purse and coat before leaving the house. I glanced at Patrick one last time before going back up the stairs, locking the door behind me as I got to the top. I walked into the living room, grabbing my phone from the couch before making my way to the front door.


Forty minutes later I was sitting on Josh and Tyler's couch, the former sitting next to me with an Xbox controller in his hand and the latter being at work. Josh and I were playing Grand Theft Auto V, and by playing I mean he was hogging the controller and making me watch as he would shoot the pedestrians and drive on the wrong side of the road.

Eventually he decided to go to the strip club, where he got drunk and threw all of his money at the stripper on the pole. "When was the last time you were at Gee's club?" He asked, leaning back into the couch before looking at me. "No, I've been busy." I sighed, putting my converse clad feet on the coffee table. "Well he hired a new boy, a real cutie. His name is Brendon, or something. And he's fucking amazing at sucking cøck." Josh chuckled.

"Does Tyler ever get mad when you use other guys?" I asked, looking at him. "He grinds on strangers and dances around a pole for a living, the least he can do is let some twink suck me off." Josh said, not taking his eyes off of the tv screen. He was now driving a semi truck off of a ramp. "But what about you, have you fucked the kid in your basement yet?" He asked me, a smirk on his lips.

"No, and I'm not planning on it." I said, focusing on the tv screen. "That's s fucking lie and you know it." Josh laughed. "You're so obsessed with him. You've never gone through this much trouble for someone. I mean, you broke into his fucking house to set up cameras to spy on his mom." Josh said and looked at me. "I've never had someone like him, he's different." I shrugged.

"How?" Josh questioned with furrowed eyebrows. "His mom's a bitch that doesn't care about him, I can relate. So I want to kill her before I kill him." I replied, standing up and making my way to the kitchen. "You're not gonna kill him, you've grown to attached." Josh called as I opened the fridge and got out a beer. "Oh fuck off, no I haven't." I snapped, walking back into the room and sitting down.

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