11| Blood

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{warning: very gruesome scenes}


I sat on the cold floor, colouring in the book as I waited for the man to come back. He'd been gone all day, and all he gave me this morning was a fucking muffin and a juice box. He also left a sweater for me, which I was thankful for since it was freezing down here. I put down my blue pencil crayon and picked up a green one, now colouring the hippo. I know hippos aren't green, but I broke the grey pencil crayon because I used it to scratch an itch on my wrist.

As I coloured I heard the basement door open and close, then the sound of someone walking down the stairs. But I didn't look up, I already knew who it was. "You left me alone for the entire day, and all you have me to eat was a fucking muff-" I stopped when I looked up, seeing the man holding my mom. "Mom?" I whispered, standing up and walking as close as could to them. "What did you do to her?" I asked quickly, feeling myself grow nervous.

The man set her down next to me, and I quickly crawls over to her and held her. I wiped the hair out of her face as I looked at her. "I injected her with something. But don't worry, she'll wake up soon." He said as he walked over to the wall and grabbed some more chains, the same ones that kept me connected to the wall. He walks back over and took the handcuffs off of her small wrists before replacing them with the chains. As he did so I slowly peeled the duct tape off of her mouth, hoping that I didn't hurt her.

I watched the man as he walked over to where the chains connected to the wall, he turned the lever next to them so they tightened and brought us closer to the wall. My mom and I were now a ways from each other, so I couldn't even reach her anymore. "No, stop!" I said, pulling at the chains but it was no use. "Stop, I need to be close to her." I yelled, but the man ignored me. I huffed and watched him, he was getting a scalpel from his tool table.

I watched in horror as he took it and walked over to my mother. "W-what are you doing?" I asked, the man bent down and watched her before he brought the scalpel up to her cheek. I watched in shock and horror as he cut a line from her mouth to her ear, causing a trickle of blood to slide down her pale face and a scream to escape her mouth. She blinked her eyes open and looked around quickly, clearly terrified. When her eyes landed on me she let out a sob, "Patrick."

I let out a weak smile, "Mom." She choked out more sobs. "I thought y-you died." She whimpered. "Well I'm still alive, and so are you." I forced out a chuckle, feeling tears stream down my face. "Not for long." The man sighed, standing up and going back to his tool table. "Why are you doing this to us?" My mom demanded, her voice cracking. The man put the scalpel on a small tray before grabbing something that looked like a miniature pair of gardening shears.

He walked back over to us, and put his hands behind his back. "I'm doing this to Patrick because he was unlucky enough to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm doing this to you because you deserve it." He said calmly, looking at my mom. "I didn't do anything." She cried. I looked down at ground, guilt filling me as I realized this was all my fault. If I had just kept my mouth shut my mom would be safe at home. "Yes you did. You neglected your child because you're a selfish bitch that only thought about yourself." The man sneered as we walked up to my mom.

She flinched as he stopped a foot away from her. "You weren't a good-or even decent- mother to your son. After the accident you never payed attention to him." The man said, suddenly really angry. "Because it was all his fault." My mom choked out, which caused my stomach to drop as I snapped my head to look up at her. "W-what?" I whispered, tears filling my eyes. My shook her head and looked up at me, a frown on her face. "Your father and sister dying was all your fault." She repeated. The man took a few steps back and looked between us before my mom continued talking.

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