06| Cameras

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"You don't know shit." Patrick seethed as I talked about his mother. I clenched my fists and glared back at him, but he couldn't see. "I don't need to, you've been talking about her nonstop since I brought you here, everything you say revolves around what your mom thinks, what your mom feels, how it's going to affect your mom. Not you." I growled.

He stared at me, half in shock and half in anger. "That's what I thought." I snapped and turned to walk up the stairs, I closed the door once I walked out of the basement, leaving Patrick alone. I walked into the living room and threw off my mask, angrily throwing it onto the couch. I ran my hands through my blond hair, fisting at it.

How was he so fucking stupid that he didn't even notice that he constantly put his pathetic excuse of a mother before himself. Just thinking about her made my anger bubble inside of me. She reminded me of my own mother, putting herself before her child. So that's why I decided to teach her a lesson, that she can't just neglect her child and expect to get away with it.

I checked the time, seeing it was only four in the afternoon. I'd put my plan in action in three hours, it was that time of year where the sky would get dark as early as six. I grabbed my keys from the coffee table before making my way out of the door and to my car. I got in and pulled out of my driveway, making my way into the city.

After a twenty minute drive I came to a stop in front of an apartment building. I got out of my car and pulled up my hood as I walked up the outdoor steps to the second floor and banged on one of the doors. It soon opened to reveal Josh, in nothing but his boxers. "Hey dude," he grinned, opening the door for me to walk inside. "Hello." I grumbled, walking inside and to the living room.

Josh's boyfriend, Tyler, was sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around his naked waist. He was playing Xbox and had a joint between his lips. "Oh, hi." He mumbled, glancing over and giving me a small smile before focusing back on his game of Call of Duty. "So, what brings you here?" Josh asked, scratching his hickey covered chest.

"I need your assistance in something." I said, "I need a few cameras, small ones. And I need your help setting them up in somebody's house." I said, lowering my voice so Tyler wouldn't hear. He knew what Josh and I did for a living, and he didn't care, he'd just rather not have many details. "Who's house?" Josh asked, motioning for me to follow him.

"The mom of the guy I have in my basements ," I said casually, causing Josh to chuckle. We walked down the hallway and into a room he liked to call his "dungeon." There were three desks, each held two or three computer monitors. This was where Josh did all of his hacking and deep web shit. "These are the only ones I have." Josh said, grabbing a box from one of the many shelves in the room.

I looked through the box until I found a few small cameras that couldn't of been bigger than the girth of a pencil. "These are perfect," I grinned, opened the small box they were in to pull one out and see. "Yeah, almost impossible to see when they're set up." Josh nodded, putting the other cameras away. "So, can you help me set them up?"

"Sure, what better way to spend a Sunday night than to break into a strangers home and set up cameras." Josh chuckled as he walked back over to me. I put the cameras back into their box before turning to Josh. "Okay, let's make a plan. She'll most likely be home tonight, and I need to get these cameras set up as soon as possible."


Later that night Josh and I pulled up outside of Patricks house. Tyler was with us too, it took a lot of negotiating but we eventually convinced him to come with us, he'd be the distraction. "Remember what you have to do babe?" Josh asked, turning around in his seat to look at his boyfriend. "Yeah. I guess." Tyler sighed, looking up at Josh.

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