12| Acid

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I stood at my tool table, cleaning the bloody knife Patrick had used to slit his mothers throat. It had honestly surprised me that he asked, he had turned on her so fast. But it actually helped me that he did, so now if anything happens, and Patrick escapes (which will honestly never happen) then I'll just show them the tapes. If I'm going down, then I'm taking him down with me. And that got me thinking, he wouldn't risk his life just to get me locked up. Which is why I was thinking of letting him live upstairs with me.

"Can I shower?" His voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Sure." I mumbled in reply before he co to he'd scrubbing the floor. If he were to live with me then I'd need to make sure to hide all of the computers and phones, at least until I could trust him. And surprisingly, I was starting to. I was meant to kill him, make him be one of my victims, but he somehow managed to grow on me. I guessed it was the fact that we both had terrible mothers. "Do you think I could um, also get like a blanket or something?" Patrick's voice broke me out of my thoughts again.

"I was actually thinking to let you live upstairs with me, there's an extra room. Plus none of the windows open and there's five locks on the front door so you wouldn't be able to escape." I said, earning silence. He must've been shocked. "But what if I did escape?" He asked, "And turned you in." I smirked and turned around. "You wouldn't find your way to the main road, but if you did and ended up going to the police station to turn me in then I'd do the same to you." I said, I turned to the camera in the corner of the room and pointed at it. "Don't forget you're the one that slit her throat." I smiled and let my arm drop to my side.

Patrick's face fell, but he still turned o look at me. "Well then, I guess we're roommates now." He said, a smirk forming on his face. I chuckled at him and walked over to him. I bent down and pulled a small key out of my pocket before unlocking the cuffs on Patrick's wrists. He rubbed them, letting out a sigh. "Come on roomie, I'll show you to your room." I chuckled, waiting for him to stand up. Once he did I took him by the elbow and led him to the stairs.

I watched him as we walked up the stairs, he was shaking. And I'm not sure whether it was from fear or excitement. I pushed open the door as we got to the top, Patrick's eyes instantly scanning the entire room. "Come on," I said, tugging on his sweater as he came to a stop. We nodded and we walked down the hallway, stopping at the third door on the right. "My rooms right across from yours." I said, pointing to my bedroom door before I opened his.

The room was a decent size, with a bed pressed against one wall and a dresser and desk on the opposite. The walls were a light grey, with the same wooden floors that were throughout the house. There were also black curtains covering the locked window, a closet next to the bed, and a tiny tv on top of the dresser. "Wow, this is quite an improvement." Patrick chuckled as I let him walk over to the bed and sprawl out on it. He let out a long sigh, happy to be able to finally sleep on a bed again.

"Thank you." Patrick said, sitting up and looking at me. I stared at him with wide eyes, did he really just say that, to me? I kidnapped him a few days ago, kept him locked in a cold basement, killed his mother in front of him, and he's actually thanking me for something? "Uh, you're welcome," I said quietly. "Does that thing work?" Patrick asked, pointing to the tv. "Yeah, but only with VHS tapes." I answered. "Do you have any movies?" Patrick asked, turning to look at me.

"You're asking for quite a lot." I said, crossing my arms. "You kidnapped me then tortured my mother in front of me." Patrick shot back, crossing his own arms. I rolled my eyes and mumbled I'd be right back before I left the room and went to the closet next to it. I opened it and pulled out a box, coughing as dust flew into my face. I shut the closet with my foot and walk e back to Patrick's room, setting down the box next to him. He grinned and quickly opened it, revealing a bunch of older movies, like the original Disney movies and even The Princess Bride.

"Fuck, The Exorcism." Patrick whistled, as he pulled out one of the VHS'. "This is a classic, have you seen it?" He asked, looking up at me. I shook my head. "We'll you should watch it, it's great." He said, pulling the VHS out of its cover. I watched as Patrick got off of the bed and went over to the tv, he turned it on, along with the VHS player before he put the movie in. "I'm gonna go, I need to clean up a few more things. Do you need anything else?" I sighed. Patrick turned to me, suddenly shy.

"Can I have something to eat?" He asked, biting his lip. I sighed and nodded, "I'll be right back." I walked out of the room, shutting the door behind me. I made my way down the hall and to the kitchen, opening the fridge before I pulled out sandwich materials. I grabbed a few extra things before quickly making Patrick two turkey sandwiches. I set them on a tray, along with a water bottle and a granola bar before I walked back down the hall and to his room.

I opened the door and walked into the room, seeing Patrick sitting on the bed as he watched the tv. He jumped and let out a yelp when I walked in, causing his cheeks to turn pink. "Thank you." He said as I set the tray down in front of him. "I'll be back in about an hour." I said, earning a nod before I left the room. It locked from the outside so I turned two locks and put a chain on, I didn't need him leaving his room. I pulled off my mask and took a deep breath, throwing it onto the coffee table as I walked back down to the basement.

I walked over to my tool table, I still had to clean the shears and scooper thing. So I pulled on some rubber gloves and picked the objects up, slowly putting them into the bowl of bleach I had from earlier. I scrubbed them with a brush I got from a drawer before rinsing them off with hot water in the sink next to me. Once I finished I took off my gloves and put my tools back in their designated places, just how I liked it. I just had one more thing to do now.

I made sure the basement was clean before I walked back up the stairs, closing the door and locking it behind me. I walked down the hallway to Patrick's room, I stopped and listened, hearing the sound of the movie and Patrick moving around on the bed. After making sure he wasn't trying to escape I walked down the hallway and into the living room before I made my way out of the back door.

I walked to the shed behind the cabin, getting my keys out of my pocket. When I found the right one I shoved it into the lock and turned it. As I walked into the fairly small room I flicked on the light switch, the bright bulb lighting up the room. I blinked a few times before my eyes adjusted to the brightness. A shelf containing bottles of different chemicals stood in one corner, next to it was a metal table, on the opposite side of the room there were metal barrels, and in the middle of the room there was a bathtub. I walked over to it, smiling when seeing only the acid remained.

I went over to the metal table and grabbed a pair of gloves from the box I kept on a tiny shelf. After pulling them on I looked at the contents on the table; two legs and two arms. Earlier I had taken Patrick's moms body here and cut her up before I put her body into the tub full of acid. Sadly the tub wasn't the biggest, so I had to first put her torso and head inside. But now that they were disintegrated I picked up both of the arms and slowly put them into the tub, causing the acid to sizzle as it ate at the skin.

I watched for a couple of minutes, waiting for it all to disintegrate. When it did I turned around and grabbed one of the legs, I slowly set it into the tub before I got the other and slid it in next to the other one. I pulled off my gloves and threw them into the trash next to the table. As I shut off the lights and left the shed I pulled out my phone to check the time, it was just after four in the morning. I didn't realize how tired I was as a long yawn escaped me as I walked into the cabin.

I walked through the living room before turning down the hall and stopping in front of Patrick's room. I loudly knocked on the door, earning a "Yes?" From Patrick as he scurried over to the door. "I'm going to bed. Don't be to loud." I said through the wood. "Okay, goodnight." Patrick said quietly. I ignored him and kept walking down the hallway, entering my own room. After shutting the door I pulled off my clothes and sprawled onto my bed. But as I lay down I realized Patrick and I still had to shower. Fuck it, we'll just shower tomorrow morning.

Author's Note:

Short chapter, but I have a surprise in the next chapter ;) And no it's not shower sex oops

Also if any of you like The Walking Dead then go read 'Standing Out' by obrienaf :3 It's written by my best friend and I love her so damn much and her writing is so fucking perfect so please check it out? c: Or just go leave her a comment saying she's a little cupcake ;))

Thank you for reading. Love you all! c: <3

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