07| Laptop

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As I sat on the ground the basement door opened, revealing the man walking in, a water bottle in one hand, a tray of food in the other, and a backpack on is back. He walked down the stairs and set the food, which was a microwave dinner, in front of me. It was chicken nuggets, corn, mashed potatoes, and what looked like a turd but it was most likely a brownie.

I watched as he grabbed the stool from the corner of the room and pulled it in front of me before sitting down, taking off his backpack as he went. I began eating some of the chicken nuggets as he pulled objects out of his bag, but as he pulled out the blue dildo I hid in a shoebox under my bed I choked. I had gotten it from Andy for my seventeenth birthday, that is why you don't tell your friends you're a virgin.

He had given it to me on the night of my birthday, it was almost eleven and he showed up with a wide black box that had a pink bow on it. When I opened it I blushed, I'd secretly been wanting one for a couple years but my mom would kill me if she even found out I was gay. I awkwardly thanked Andy and then he left, leaving me home alone with a new toy.

And honestly, in the seven months I've had it I used it like, twelve times or something. But that doesn't matter right now, what mattered was that the man was fucking holding it. "You were in my room." I glared at him, feeling my face grow red, partly from embarrassment and anger. The man chuckled and dropped the blue, rubber object on the floor in front of me. I ignored it and continued glaring at him.

"Not just in your room, but the entire house." He said, and I could practically hear the smirk on his face. "What were you doing there?" I demanded. "You're like a little kitten when you're mad." He said, turning his head as he stared at me. "Answer the question." I seethed, ignoring his words. The man sighed and stood up, "I'll be right back." And with that he made his way towards the stairs before disappearing out of the door.

As he was gone my mind drifted to my mom. Was she okay? Did he hurt her? Did she willingly let him in? I felt tears prickle my eyes but I quickly blinked them away, I needed answers first. A minute later the man walked back down the steps and to the stool, now holding a laptop. I watched as he opened it and hit a few buttons before turning the screen to me, and what I saw made my stomach drop.

There was video footage of rooms in my house; the kitchen, the living room, and the upstairs hallway. I looked at one of the small boxes that showed my kitchen. My mom was sitting at the kitchen island, writing in a notebook as a cup of what I guessed was her favourite tea sat next to her. But thankfully she was still alive and well. "Why?" I whispered, breaking my state from the screen to look up at him.

"I needed to do some spying, find out her schedule and daily routine." He said simply. "Why?" I asked, even though I had a sickening idea. "You'll find out soon enough." He replied before closing the laptop. I sighed and slid back against the wall, crossing my arms and putting them on my knees. "Why can't you just kill me? Why are you bringing my mom into this, just fucking kill me. I don't care anymore."

I clenched my eyes shut, desperate to hold back the fucking tears that always came. "But my dear, it's more fun this way." The man said softly, causing me to scoff. "Fuck you." I snapped. The man ignored me as he put away the stool, he walked over to the stairs, stopping once he was at the base. He turned to me, "Tomorrow morning I'm going to let you take a shower and use the bathroom. You're make-up looks like shit."

And with that he walked up the stairs, turning off the light once he reached the top.


The next morning I woke up to the sound of the basement door slamming shut. I jumped up and watched at the man walked down the stairs and towards me. "Good morning beautiful," he said, but I just rolled my eyes. "Get up." He said, and I did as told. I got up to my feet, letting out a yawn. "If you try to run I'll kill your mother." He whispered in my ear as he got behind me.

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