20| Quiet

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Once Josh pulled into the parking lot the four of us got out of the car, heads down hoods up. We hurried to the doors before Josh pulled them open and led us into the dark room. Almost instantly Gerard walked up to all of us. "Ah, well if it isn't my favourite psychos. I'm guessing all that commotion has to do with you?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he scanned all of us with his shiny eyes. Once they landed on Patrick they widened, and before any of us could answer him he spoke up again. "Is that?" He asked with a growing smirk before glancing over at me. "Yes and yes." I said, nodding my head as I looked at Patrick.

His eyes were staring at Gerard, and when they weren't they were eagerly scanning the club. "I'm not even gonna ask." Gee chuckled, shaking his head. "But you, get to work." He said firmly, pointing his finger to Tyler, who hurried off to the dressing rooms in the back. "And you two, Ronnie's in the second room to the left." He said, this time looking at Tyler and I. We both gave him a nod in reply. As Josh walked away I turned to Patrick and looked down at him, his big grey eyes met mine. "Stay by the bar, don't talk to anyone." I said sternly before turning to go after Josh.

I had to push past a few people before I made it to the hallway in the back, and once I did I made my way into the second room on the left, only to see Josh and a heavily tattooed man already talking and smoking together. "Hey dude, my name's Ronnie Radke." He grinned lazily, raising his blunt before putting it to his lips. "Pete." I nodded to him, making him scoff. "Just Pete? You don't got a last name or something?" He asked, smoke leaving his mouth as he talked. "Wentz." I said, crossing my arms. "Do you only speak in one word sentences?" He grinned, making Josh chuckle along. "Can we just get down to business?" I grumbled, making Ronnie nod.

"Okay, yeah, sorry." He said, putting out his blunt on the ashtray that sat on the mirrored table next to the red leather loveseat he was on. "So Josh just tol- Are you gonna have a seat?" He cut his sentence short and looked up at me with a raised eyebrow. I didn't say anything and instead sat down on a chair across from him, Josh sat to my left in a matching chair. "So Josh told me you needed a car, what kind are you looking for?" He asked, making me lean forward onto my knees. "Four doors, big trunk, and something dark that can't be seen at night." I replied, making him nod. "All I've got that meets all of that is a dark, navy coloured 2008 Chevy Equinox." He said, making me nod.

"How much?" I asked as Josh stood up. "I'm gonna go get a drink." He mumbled, putting out his blunt before leaving the room. "I want your current truck. I can sc-" Ronnie's sentence was cut short when Josh ran back into the room. "Pete, come here now. Mikey's fighting with Patrick." He said, making me jump out of my seat. I ran out of the room, just in time to see Mikey raise his hand up to slap my Trick across the face. I clenched my jaw as I ran over and got between them. I put my hands on Patrick's shoulders and looked at his face, seeing a reddening handprint. "Trick, are you okay?" I asked, to which he slowly nodded, but his state was on someone behind me; Mikey.

I let go of Patrick and spun around to face the glaring boy. "Mikey, what the fuck. Why did you hit him." I demanded, making him slightly flinch but he quickly recovered and his face was stone cold again. "He called me a cheap whore because you always fuck me." He said, crossing his arms. I felt annoyance bubble inside of me, they were acting like fucking children. "Did you?" I asked Patrick. "Yup." He said, making sure to pop the 'p' as he smirked at the angry boy. I tried not to start laughing, I loved this side of Patrick. "And why exactly did you go that?" I asked, sounding like a fucking parent. "Because this little bitch freaked out on me just because he thought you and I were dating." He grumbled, looking up at me, and this time I couldn't resist rolling my eyes.

I turned back to Mikey, who for just a second seemed embarrassed but it disappeared as fast as it came. "We aren't dating. And even if we were it's none of your business. You're just a hooker that I fuck when I'm bored. Nothing more and nothing less." I deadpanned before taking Patrick by the wrist and pulling him towards the back. As we walked Patrick pulled his wrist out of my grasp and instead, to my surprise, entwined our fingers. I looked at him with confusion, but he just smiled back at me. I didn't say anything further as we walked to the back room where Ronnie and Josh now were., along with Tyler.

Gas Mask ※ A Peterick AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora