10| Scalpel

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I pulled my hand away from Patrick's thigh and stood up to my whole height, looking down on the small, shocked boy. "I'm not going to do anything with you. I just wanted to tease you." I said, letting out a laugh. I turned and walked towards the stairs, stopping when Patrick's small voice fills the room. "But would you?" He asked, his fragile voice shaky. "What?" I asked, turning to look at him, my eyebrows furrowed, but he couldn't see.

"If I wanted you to, would you?" He said again, his voice louder this time, but still nervous. "If you wanted it, then sure. But I know you won't." I said. I was going to kill him, and his mother, there was no way he'd want an intimate relationship with me. Or even a friendship. Even if a sliver of me wanted something, I knew he didn't. He couldn't.

I didn't say anything else and instead made my way up the stairs, I needed to sleep. I was going to have a long day tomorrow. As I left the basement I locked the door behind me. I didn't even need the lock, none of my players have ever escaped, but I still kept it. Why? Because when they sat in the cold basement and heard the click of the deadbolt they knew; they knew that their chances of escaping vanished as soon as that sound echoed off of the cement walls.


My alarm blaring caused me to snap out of my dreams and wake up, a sigh leaving me as I grabbed my phone and turned the loud noise off. I set it back down on the nightstand and pulled the covers off of my almost naked body, I got up from the bed and walked over to my closet, pulling on a pair of black jeans and a navy t-shirt. After that I grabbed a black beanie, socks, my converse, and a grey sweater.

I got my phone and shoved it into my pocket before walking to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and quickly went to the bathroom then made my way to the kitchen. I got a granola bar from the cupboard and opened it, taking a bite of it before starting to make Patricks breakfast. I was in a rush today, so I just got him a juice box and a muffin. I took another bite of my granola bar before grabbing Patricks things and making my way to the basement, grabbing my mask as I went.

I unlocked the door and pulled it open, I made my way down the creaky steps, seeing Patrick still fast asleep as I made it to the bottom. He was curled up in a small ball, his knees pressed to his chest as soft snores escaped him. He was shivering, considering he was on a cold floor with only a t-shirt and sweats covering him. So after setting his muffin and juice box down on the empty tray in front of him I took off my sweater and draped it on top of him.

He let out a small whine in his sleep and grabbed at the sweater, pulling it closer to his small body. A fond smile graced my face, seeing something like this was calming. But then I realized how he got here, and why he was here and the smile disappeared as soon as it came. I watched him for a few more seconds before finally leaving, the sound of Patricks soft snores and the creak of the steps being the last thing I heard before I shut the door.

I walked to my room again and went straight to my closet, grabbing another sweater and tugging it on. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, seeing it was almost eight. I was supposed to be by Josh's in half an hour, so I grabbed the duffel bag that sat next to my bedroom door, I had packed a few things last night. Everything I'd need for tonight. I had an exciting day ahead of me, I always loved the hunt.

I walked out of my room and to the front door, grabbing my car and house keys from the tiny hook before leaving the house. After locking everything I made my way to the car and got in, starting it before pulling onto the driveway and making my way into town. The drive was fairly long, but I didn't mind. It gave me time to think, and it also made my cabin hard to find, considering it was right in the middle of the woods.

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