14| Partners

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I parked the car and got out, a smirk on my face the entire time. After walking inside I grabbed my mask from the table before I turned down the hallway and to my room, going straight to the closet and grabbing a t-shirt. I walked back down the hallway and stopped in front of Patrick's room, unlocking the door before I walked inside. He was sitting criss cross on the bed, the blanket wrapped around him to cover his chest. I took s few steps towards him and handed him the shirt, earning a confused look but soon his eyes widened. "Thanks for the show." I chuckled and pointed to a tiny camera in the corner above the tv, causing Patrick to blush a deep red.

I let out a silent laugh before I walked out of the room, leaving an embarrassed Patrick behind. I walked to the kitchen, grabbing s few things for Patrick before I went back to his room. He had pulled the shirt back on and was now rummaging through the movie box again. "Here," I said, handing him an apple. "You didn't lock the door." He said glancing at the door before his eyes looked back at me. "Not like you'd stand a chance anyway." I replied with a shrug as I set a water bottle down on the nightstand. "I'm starting to believe that too." He sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed.

I watched as he looked down at the apple in his hands before he set it down next to the water. "My life is officially over. If I stay here then I'll be locked in this room forever. If by some fucking miracle I escape then I'm going straight to jail, unless I don't tell anyone about you." He said quietly before looking up at me, hope in his eyes. "You'd have to tell someone, it's suspicious if you suddenly appear. What would you say when they ask about your mom?" As the words left my mouth Patrick looked back down at his hands. The truth finally sank in, he was stuck here. "Please kill me." He whispered, surprising me.

"No." I said back, my own voice quiet. "Why?" He frowned and stood up. "Because I don't want to." I said, "You're different from the others. You have potential." I said and stepped closer to him, making his breathing hitch. "What do you mean?" He asked, craning his neck so he was looking up at me. "The way you killed your own mother, without remorse. That's what I'm looking for." I answered. "I used to have a partner for a while, but he was weak. So I had to kill him. I still have his skull on display." I said, a smile forming on my face when I thought back to Devon.

"Pete, I can't do this. I thought I could, but I can't. The nightmares, they- they won't stop. I can't take it anymore, I need to tell someone." Devon muttered as he paced the living room. I grabbed him and slammed him against the wall with a loud thud, making a picture frame fall to the ground and shatter. "Don't give me that shit. You chose to kill them, and now you're going to face the consequences." I growled before I let him go. "What's wrong with you!? You fucking kill everything innocent, when I found you I thought things would be different. But you're a sick freak." He spat at me. "And you're not? You're the one that cut off that sluts head." I seethed at the pathetic man in front of me.

"You know what, fuck you." Devon yelled before grabbing his jacket, he shot me his middle finger as he flung open the door and walked out of it. "Where the fuck are you going." I walked after him, earning a frustrated groan. "To the police. I don't care if they lock me up, I just need you gone." Devon continued walking to his car, as he did so I began laughing. As he gripped the handle of the car door he turned to look at me. "Why are you laughing?" He asked, getting angry that I wasn't giving him the reaction he wanted. "Because Devon, you don't just tell someone you're turning them in." I smiled as I walked over to him.

Devon opens his mouth to say something but before he had a chance I flipped open my pocket knife and swung it at his throat, slitting it open. Devon's eyes went wide as his hands went to his throat, instantly covering them in the blood that spewed out of his throat. He began choking before he collapsed to his knees, the blood soaking everything. Eventually the choking subdued as all the life was drained from his body. I bent down and looked at him before taking the knife and shoving it into his left eye, I pulled it out slowly, causing a bit more blood to come out. "Asshole."

"Are you asking me to help you kill?" Patrick asked, his eyes widening. I shrugged, "I don't need the help, it's more of- a thing for you to do while you're with me. I see something in you, something exciting. So I want to see what you can do, that is, if you want to." Patrick looked down at the ground for a few moments before slowly raising his head up to look at me, his pink lip pulls between his teeth. He stared at me for a few seconds before slowly nodding his head. "Okay, teach me everything you know." He said, the corners of his mouth turning up in a barely visible smile.


I carried my laptop into Patrick's room, setting it down on the desk. I sat down in the chair while Patrick crawled to the end of the bed and watched the screen as I pulled up a list of names. "What are you doing?" He asked before I turned to look at him. "These," I pointed to all the names, "are people that live in Marynwood. My friend has cameras all around town, watching people. Sometimes when I can't find my next player I look at his website and pick someone." I turned back to the laptop and clicked a random name, a few boxes popped up, each showing different angles of a house.

In one there was a girl sitting at her desk, open textbooks around her. She ran her hands through her hair, her eyebrows furrowing as she stared at the books. She stood up and slammed the books closed before walking out of the room. I looked to the box that showed the kitchen, seeing her walk towards the fridge. At this point I closed the window and pulled up the list of names again. "Is that how you found me?" Patrick asked. "No, you just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time." I said, glancing at him. He has a frown on his face and was staring at the desk. "Oh."

After twenty minutes of searching through the list Patrick pointed at the screen. "Him." He hissed, his face contorted in a glare. "When I came out at school this motherfucker and his friends attacked me. They broke my fucking wrist and two ribs." He muttered, clicking on the name. I let out a whistle as my eyes scanned the screen before landing on a pretty buff guy. "Is that him?" I asked, pointing to the guy that sat on the couch in the living room as he watched tv. Patrick nodded, "He's captain of the soccer team." I turned back to the screen, this'll be different than the usual people I get. "So, can we bring him here?" Patrick asked, tapping his fingers on the table eagerly. "Of course." I smirked, earning a grin from Patrick.

"So can we go now?" He asked, standing up and moving from his toes to the balls of his feet. I shook my head, earning a whine. "Why not?" He asked, sitting back down on the bed. "I need to teach you a few things first. You can't just go into someone's house and grab them. You have to be strategic about it." I said, bookmarking the page before I stood up. "Okay, so teach me, we have all day." He said, impatiently swinging his feet. I sighed and stood up, this was the part I wasn't looking forward to; sitting with Patrick for hours and explaining everything in complete detail. I just wanted to kill.


Author's Note:

Short ass update, but I've been busy and school sucks so I'm sorry ;-;

But thank you children for reading this story, I love all of you so much c:

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