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Patrick talked to me for over an hour, he told me everything from the tragic accident that killed his father and sister, to how his mother has been acting since. They whole time I listened and watched I could tell he was trying not to cry, he would constantly blink and sniffle in hopes to keep them back, but some still managed to escape his dark eyes. "And no I'm here." He ended the story, forcing a chuckle out.

I sat up on the stool and shook my head, letting out a silent sigh. "So your mother is the reason for that?" I asked, motioning to his skinny arms which held multiple cuts and scars. He pulled his sleeves over his hands and shrugged. "She's part of it, but the other part is because I'm a failure and can't do anything right." He whispered, his eyes getting glazed over as the tears formed.

"But you feel that way because of your mother, correct?" I asked, clenching and I clenching my cold fists. Patrick slowly nodded his head, not bothering to look up at me as his eyes were fixated on a small crack in the floor. "Don't worry, it'll all be better soon." I told him, standing up and putting the stool back in its place in the corner. I walked back over to my weapon table and picked up Patrick's wallet from where I left it.

I walked to the base of the stairs, feeling Patrick's curious eyes on me the entire time. I stopped and turned to look at him. "I'll be back with your lunch in a couple of hours." I said before turning and walking up the stairs, I flicked off the lights as I went before walking through the door and locking it behind me. As I walked to the living room I opened Patrick's wallet and pulled out his I.D.

I sat down on the couch and opened up the laptop I had. I had gotten it from one college student I had picked up, she was on her way back from Christmas break when I grabbed her at the bus station. She's was a screamer, I had to shove two bandanas into her mouth to muffle out the sound. She actually had quite a lot of things in her backpack and suitcase.

She had a laptop and charger, a camera, almost two thousand dollars in cash, and even some eyeliner. Which at the time I thought was amazing, but I regret that stage of my life. I had gone over to one of my friends and he had set up some sort of program on the laptop that let me trace anyone or anything. I had stumbled into him when I was at the grocery store.

We had bumped into each other and I dropped a wallet I had stolen from a boy I had kidnapped earlier that week. He picked it up and saw who it belonged to, but instead of turning me on he laughed and told me I was good at my job. After that we had talked for a bit and he told me he had a website on the deep web, it was where he posted pictures of the people he killed and tortured.

Some other people had accounts and posted there too, he even told me to make an account. But I wanted to keep my victims private, their beauty was only for my eyes to see. When I got the laptop I went straight to him, and he installed a bunch of things and did his hacker shit before giving it back to me a week later. "There's a whole world of fun you still haven't experienced." He had chuckled as he handed it back to me.

I set Patrick's wallet down and opened up the 'tracker'. My friend, Josh, had to label all of the icons with simple things so that I could understand. I still didn't understand much, there was so many things to do that I barely knew where to start. But what I did know was how to use somebody's state I.D. to track them; find out where they live, how much they have in their bank account, their family tree, all the likes.

And so that's what I did, I put in all of Patrick's details and got even more in return. I got a scrap piece of paper and a pen from the coffee table and wrote down Patrick's address. Once I had written down all of the important details I put everything away and got up, making my way to the front door. I took off my mask, got my car keys and walked out of the cabin, locking it before getting into my car.

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