22| Fuck

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As Josh left the room I turned to look at Patrick. "Are you gonna be okay?" I asked carefully, seeing he was still pale from earlier. "Yeah, just a little shaken up." He mumbled half heartedly, giving me a small shrug as he avoided my eyes. "It'll be okay, Josh and Tyler will be back in less than two hours. Just stay put, I'll see you tomorrow." I stepped closer, giving Patrick a quick hug, feeling my body tingle at the contact. After releasing him from my grip I left the room and shut the door, not giving him another look. "Ready?" Josh asked as I entered the living room, he had now pulled his jacket back on. I nodded, "Let's go."

"Do you think they're still gonna be out there?" Josh asked as he grabbed his car keys from the kitchen island. "I doubt it. This is a small town, there's not many officers to begin with. They'll be too busy patrolling the streets and trying to find leads. Why would the stick around here, we gave a convincing story." I shrugged back, only half believing what I just said. And it seems like Josh felt the same as he only sighed before walking out the front door. I followed after him, waiting for him to lock the door before we made our way to his car.

There weren't any suspicious or cop cars around, making me feel slightly better. Now let's just hope we wouldn't run into any on the drive. Josh started the car and we began driving back to the club. I looked out the window, staring at the darkening sky as we went down different side streets. "Stay here, I'll go get him." Josh said as we pulled into the parking lot of the club. He got out of the car, slamming the door shut before he jogged to the front doors, pushing through the forming line of people who looked angrily at him.

As I watched I saw something out of the corner of my eye, I turned my head to see something that made my heart stop. A police car pulling into the lot. "Fuck." I hissed under my breath, ducking down and grabbing my phone out of my pocket. I quickly tapped Josh's contact, desperately hopping he'd answer. And to my dismay, he didn't. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK." I growled angrily, hitting my seat. I slowly slid up, seeing the police car was now parked and two officers were getting out. The same one from earlier.

They hadn't seen me, considering they were making their way to the front doors of the club. A few people here and there turned to look, some even hurrying back to their cars but the cops didn't pay them any mind. I looked to the ignition, seeing Josh had taken the keys so I couldn't even drive around back and go in through the back door. I felt panic starting to rise in me as I watched the officers show their badges to the bouncer who let them in instantly.

I debated my options; run my ass back to Josh's place and hope they'll make it out okay, stay in the car and hope they'll make it out, or run into the club through the back door and get the two guys, hoping the police haven't already seen them. As I was thinking I saw two figures running towards the car. I tensed up but then relaxed slightly when I saw it was Josh and a half naked Tyler, both holding hands as they ran. They jumped into the car, Tyler getting into the back seat as Josh got into the drivers seat and slammed the keys into the ignition.

Before I could even open my mouth Josh spoke up. "Jesus fuck, as I was dragging Tyler from the back rooms I saw them walk in. I don't think they us though, I made a beeline for the back exit instantly." He panted, his hands slightly shaking as he tightly held the wheel, his knuckles turning white. "Were they coming for you?" Tyler asked from the backseat, his voice full of worry. I instantly thought of Patrick, hoping he was okay back at the apartment.

"I don't think so, they probably wanted to talk to Gee." Josh replied. "That's gotta be the case, who better to question about a missing persons case than a raunchy club owner who was linked to the kidnapping of a teenage girl." I said, thinking back to a few years ago when Gerard was arrested but acquitted because there wasn't enough evidence to prove it was him, only a grainy CCTV video that didn't show much. "Well let's hope he doesn't throw us under the bus." Josh said quietly, making me smack his arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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