13| Sweater

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I sat on the bed, my back against the headboard as I watched the tv screen, I was at the part where the girl crawled down the stairs. As I watched the screen a knock at the door sounded, causing me to jump. I quickly got off of the bed and went to the door, "Yes?" I asked, putting my hands against the dark wood door. "I'm going to bed, don't be to loud." The man said, a sigh of relief leaving me. "Okay, goodnight." I said, not earning a response, only the sound of footsteps disappearing down the hallway.

I walked over to the tv and turned the sound down a bit, just to be safe. I sat back down on the bed, cringing when I looked down at my clothes. They were covered in blood, but it wasn't mine. I pulled everything off until I was just left in boxers, the cold air hitting my body, making goosebumps cover my pale skin. I threw my clothes onto the floor into a pile on the floor, I'd ask the man what to do with them tomorrow. I looked around the room, hoping to find something I could use as a mirror. Once they landed on the window I walked over to it and stood in front of it, trying to see my reflection.

It was dimly lit so I couldn't see much, but I could see that there was some blood on my face. I frowned and piled up the t-shirt from the floor, I found a clean spot and used it to desperately wipe my face, but it barely did anything. I sighed and threw the shirt back onto the floor, I'd just put up with it for now and ask to shower tomorrow. I got back onto the bed and crawled under the covers. I watched the movie for half an hour more before I eventually fell into a dreamless sleep.


"Patrick, wake up." A loud voice said, causing me to snap out of my thoughts and quickly sit up in bed. The man was standing next to the bed, watching me. "I just showered, so if you want to you can go do that too." He said, stepping back as I got up, blushing when I realized I was jus tin boxers. The man kept his eyes on me as he let me leave the room and go to the bathroom. "There's a towel and clothes for you on the counter." He said as I entered the room. I nodded before he closed the door and locked it.

I pulled off my boxers and got into the shower, turning the water on. Since he had just showered the water was still warm as it fell onto my body. I look e at the shower floor and noticed the water was tinted slightly red. I looked away and grabbed the bottle of shampoo, squirting some into my hand before I washed my hair. After that I did the same with conditioner before finally washing my body, thankful to get all the blood off of me. I shut off the water and got out of the shower, grabbing the towel and using it to dry myself off.

After going to the bathroom and getting dressed I noticed a toothbrush on the counter. It was still in it's packaging so I just took it and opened it. I looked around the bathroom, trying to find toothpaste. I eventually found some when I opened the mirror, revealing a little shelf, I got it and brushed my teeth. For a while everything felt normal, like I was back at home. But when there was a knock on the door I was snapped back to reality.

"You need to go back into your room, I have to leave for a bit." The man said as he unlocked the door. I put the toothbrush on the counter and walked out of the bathroom, going to my room without a word. "When will you be back?" I asked, turning to look at him, he just shrugged. "Maybe in an hour, possibly a little more." I nodded, and walked over to where I had put the box of movies on the floor. "See you soon." He said, and without another word he shut the door and locked it. I sat and listened, hearing his footsteps before the sound of a door closing.

I got up and walked over to the window, I looked out and saw the man getting into his car. Trees were blocking most of my view, but from what I could tell he had short bleach blond hair. And after that he disappeared into his car before pulling Onto what I assumed was a driveway. The car soon disappeared and everything deathly silent. I waited three more minutes, just to be sure he wasn't coming back. I got onto my hands and knees on the ground and reached under the bed, pulling out the object I had taken from the basement.

Last night while the man was cleaning his things I had taken the um, dildo and shoved it into my pocket. And since I was wearing baggy sweatpants it was practically invisible. I haven't done anything sexual in almost a month, and I desperately needed to relive myself. I got the blue object and stood up before getting onto the bed. I was wearing a thin sweater so I used the sleeves of it to just wipe it down and make sure there wasn't anything really on it.

I set the dildo down next to me before I pulled my pants and boxers off, leaving me in the oversized sweater. I stuck two fingers into my mouth and swirled my tongue around them, making sure they were slick with saliva before I go onto my knees. I bent over and circled a finger around my rim, my mouth opening in a silent moan. I slowly pushed my finger in, clenching my eyes shut from the slight pain. I began pumping it, and soon my whines of pain turned into moans of pleasure.

I added another finger, now stretching myself as I scissored my fingers. "Fuck," I moaned out, my head falling onto the mattress. I spread my legs further and put my bum into the air, I added a third finger and thrust my fingers faster. I let out a loud moan, which was muffled from the sheets that I pressed my face into. After a while I pulled my fingers out of my hole, a whine escaping me from the loss of contact.

I got the dildo and spit onto hit before using my hands to cover it up, normally I would find this disgusting but I was to horny to care. I got onto my back and pressed my legs to my chest, spreading them so I had a better view. I pushed the tip against my aching hole before pushing it in, a moan leaving me. As I fucked my hole I wrapped my other hand around my rock hard cøck. I pumped myself, pleasure shooting through my entire body. And it only increased when the dildo hit my prostate. "Fuuuck," I threw my head back onto the pillows.

I felt my stomach tighten as I repeatedly hit my prostate, I couldn't hold it any longer. With a couple more thrusts and pumps I came with a loud moan, my load shooting onto my stomach. Only problem was that I was still in my sweater, which got covered with my load. And it was only then that I realized I didn't have any clean clothes, or a way of cleaning myself up. I let out a groan and got up, pulling my sweater off so I was completely naked. I used it to wipe off my fingers and the dildo before I threw it onto the floor with my clothes from yesterday.

I then pulled on y boxers and sweatpants, letting out a sigh. I walked over to the box of movies and got out The Hills Have Eyes. It was the original one so it was probably going to suck, if I'm being honest. I popped it into the player and turned on the tv before sitting back down on the bed. I got one of the blankets and wrapped it around my shoulders, it was still cold as hell in this room.


Halfway into the movie I heard the front door open, then footsteps. But they passed my room and went further down the hall before stopping, try then picked up again, followed by the door unlocking and opening. The man walked in and handed me a shirt, a chuckle leaving him. "Thanks for the show." He smirked, pointing to a tiny camera that was in the corner of the room, I hadn't noticed it before. I felt my stomach drop and my cheeks heat up before he walked out of the room and shut the door.

Author's Note:


So yea, hope you liked it c:

Thanks for reading!

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