01| Moonlight

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"Come on, let's go. I want to get there before all the good beer is gone." Joe said from the doorway of my bathroom. "Calm down, I'm almost done." I grumbled, finishing my face paint. I blinked at myself in the mirror before smiling. I decided to be a skeleton, so I did the face paint myself. I also had on black pants and a black sweater with white felt bones glued on.

I may or may not of made my mom do that for me, but that doesn't matter right now. "Okay, done." I said, pulling on a black beanie before turning to Joe. "Sexy," He smirked before shoving his phone into his pocket. "Shut up," I rolled my eyes and followed him out of the room and down the stairs. As we pulled on our shoes my mom stopped us.

"What time will you be home?" She asked, wrapping her robe tightly around her small frame. "I don't know, late." I shrugged in response. "Okay, well be safe. And don't drink to much." She said, coming over and pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Okay, bye." I groaned, lightly pushing her away. "Bye boys." She said, waving at us as we walked out the door. "Bye, Mrs. Stump!" Joe called, waving at her.

As we got into Joes beat up truck he pulled out his phone. "We still need to pick up Andy," he said, sending the boy a quick message before shoving his phone back into his pocket. He was dressed as a robber, with black pants, a stripped shirt, black gloves, and a black mask. "Okay," I mumbled, pulling on my seatbelt as I looked out the window.

I didn't want to go to this stupid party, With a bunch of drunk and sweaty teens. But Joe and Andy are forcing me to go, saying that it'll be my last high school Halloween party before we all go  our separate ways to college so it was mandatory that I went. I leaned my head against the window, watching all the houses we were passing.

It was a few minutes after ten, so most trick or treaters were already back at home. The lights on almost all the houses were turned off, and the decorations looked scarier in the moonlight. Not that I was scared of a pumpkin carved to look like a monster, it's just the way the moonlight hit every object, it made them seem alive, in some creepy fucked up way.

"Do you think Lola's going to show up?" Joe broke the silence and glanced over at me. "I don't think so, why?" I asked. Lola was Joe's ex girlfriend, he broke up with her when she was caught having sex with two other guys in a janitors closet. They were found by the janitor, who was getting a mop while the hallways were filled with students.

"She sure has balls if she does go, I mean half the school saw her naked with some dudes dick up her ass, and another fucking her mouth, so if she actually shows her face to this party I might actually shit myself." He said, turning down Andy's street. "True, if I were her I wouldn't ever leave my house." I agreed with a chuckle.

"Alright dude, we are here." Joe called out as he pulled into Andy's driveway. A few seconds later Andy came out, dressed as a biker. He had a red bandana around his forehead, a leather jacket on, some fingerless gloves, and sunglasses. "How the fuck can you see out of those? It's dark as hell outside." I said, turning to look at him as he got in the backseat.

"I actually can't see shit." He grinned at me, causing me to roll my eyes. "Smart," Joe chuckled, pulling out of the driveway and driving towards the party, which was being held at Nicole Meyers' house. She was one of the most popular girls in school, and her dad was a lawyer or some shit and was always working so she'd throw these big ass parties.

Nicole lived on the edge of town, near the woods. Her house was huge, like right bedrooms. Which I find stupid because she's an only child, her dad's never home, and her mom is almost always gone. I heard she's sleeping with the pool boy at the country club, and that her husband's sleeping with their maid.

Gas Mask ※ A Peterick AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin