03| Game

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I woke up, a groan escaping me as I lifted my head. I looked around the room I was in, not finding it familiar, but then I realized the sickening truth. My eyes went wide as I realized someone attacked me at the party, causing me to pass out. And now I'm awake and in a fucking basement. "Oh my god. Oh my god." I cried, pulling at the restraints, hoping that maybe, just maybe they'd break and set me free.

"Help! Help me!" I screamed, viciously pulling at my restraints as tears streamed down my face. I let out a choked scream as the cuff on my right hand dug into my skin, causing blood to come trickling down my wrist and onto the floor in a tiny puddle. "Help me. Please." I choked out, hoping somebody would hear my desperate cries and come save me, but nobody did.

I looked around the room, not seeing to much, considering the only source of light I had was a naked bulb hanging from the ceiling. But I could see that the walls and floor were made of cement, there were dark stains on the ground, and just the thought of what they could be made me sick to my stomach.

On the far wall across from me I could see multiple things glinting in the light. I guessed they were things like knives and anything else that could kill me. I blinked away the tears, clearing my vision before I looked further around the big room. To my left there was a surgical table, with a tray that I'm guessing had tools on it, but I was to low on the I ground to see. And to my right there was a set of stairs leading up to a door.

That was the only exit I could see, the only escape I had. I looked down at my lap and brought my hands up to wipe my eyes, getting rid of the tears. I looked down at my hands, seeing the black and white face paint smudged all over my hands. I let out a sigh, feeling more tears coming. But I tried to hold them back, it wouldn't help to cry the entire time I'm here.

But the tears soon came as I thought about my mom. She'd be all alone, nobody to protect her. Five years ago my dad was picking up my sister from soccer practice, she was seven at the time, and I was thirteen. It was late and as they were driving a deer jumped in front of their car, causing my dad to swerve. But they said he had to make a choice, if he swerved to the left he would've hit another car, possibly killing more people. If he went to the right, he'd crash into trees.

So he went for the trees. Since they were going 90 mph the impact caused my dad to die almost instantly, but my sister just passed out. She was in a coma for three months, before passing in the middle of the night. The loss completely broke my mom, she didn't leave her room for weeks. Only leaving a few times a week to get food and go to the bathroom.

She'd always be crying, almost every hour of everyday she could be heard sobbing in her room. Eventually it stopped, but she still wasn't the same. Her green eyes that used to be so full of life and happiness were now a dull grey that held sadness and lifelessness. And I'm scared that if I don't come home soon the lifelessness will take over her whole body.

After the accident my moms friends convinced her to go to therapy, who then diagnosed her with depression. It wasn't a big surprise to anyone, everyone already suspected it. After that my mom was put on medication and went to see her psychologist and a grief counsellor three times a week. She even drug me along, but I dealer with everything my own way.

I'd sit in my room and drown my thoughts in music. I didn't cry that much, I wanted to stay strong for my mom. If she saw me break down that would just make things worse for her, and I just desperately wanted for her to get better. For her sake, and mine. I never told her this, but it felt like I had lost two parents.

My dad was gone physically and mentally, but my mom was gone mentally and just here physically. I don't know if she was to busy with her own problems to notice, or if she just tried ignoring it, but it really made me feel like shit. Everyone was so caught up with helping her they didn't pay attention to me, including myself.

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