∞Chapter 10∞

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Song: Stockholm Syndrome- One Direction 

"If people were rain, she was a drizzle, and I was a hurricane." -Looking For Alaska

I dragged Nate up the stairs to the first bathroom in the hall, setting him down on the toilet seat. He had a firm grip on his nose, which was why I was standing there fooling around with the first aid kit.

"You're going to have to move your hands eventually, or else, your nose is going to be pretty sore for a while." I voiced, causing him to roll his eyes, but he moved his hands. His nose was swollen, making it three times the size it actually was, and it was red-- nearly as red as Rudolph's nose. It took everything in me not to burst out laughing, but sadly (not really), I fell into fits of laughter. Nate glared at me, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Can you just fix my damn nose!?" He grumbled, still glaring at me, and I nodded, catching my breath. I grabbed the things I needed out of the first aid kit and sat on his lap, so I was level with his nose. Grabbing his hand, I sat the stuff I needed in it, so he could hold it while I fixed his nose. I glanced up at Nate, to see him smirking at me. "If you wanted to sit on my lap so badly, you could've just asked."

Rolling my eyes, I slapped his chest. "You're a dick. I don't have to fix your nose, you know."

"No need to get bent out of shape, sweetheart." He attempted to smirk as I placed a cold washcloth over his nose to reduce the swelling. "I'm just messing with you."

"That's all you ever do." I muttered, and everything grew silent between us. I continued to fix his nose, and he just stared at me, his eyes searching. Moving the washcloth from his nose, I examined it, and he still continued to stare at me. "Well, it's not broken. It should be healed by tomorrow."


I shook my head, placing the rag back on his nose. "You don't have to say anything. I know you hate me, and I don't need you to justify it. Today was already a disaster."

"I don't hate you." He admitted, placing his hand on my arm, drawing circles in my skin, and I looked away from him, still holding the washcloth against his nose. "And I'm sorry about today."

"It doesn't matter. I'm going to put a bandage on your nose, and then I'll be done."

Nate tilted his head to the side, gazing at me. "I take it you don't know how to take jokes, Anderson."

"Not with you, Jackson." I mumbled, and then things grew silent again as I finished bandaging his nose. Once I packed up the first aid kit, I moved to stand, but Nate's arms snaked around my waist, keeping me there.

"Thanks for helping me." He whispered, and I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest and looking back into his eyes.

"It's fine."

We sat there for a moment, staring into each other's eyes. I had never really noticed his eyes-- never really had the chance to see the light brown that seemed to glimmer in the light. His eyes had a hint of green around the iris, and it was something I had never seen before. They were beautiful, and it sucked that they had to be placed on such an arrogant guy. I wasn't even paying attention when we both started leaning in. My hands absentmindedly to splay across his chest, and as his eyes flickered between my eyes and lips, I debated heavily in my mind. Did I want him to kiss me? I didn't think so.

Kiss me.

No! It was not the time for my subconscious to barge in, trying to demand things I didn't want. I was back at the crossroad, trying to decide the best path to go down.

I want him to kiss me.

No, I don't. I want him to let me go.

There's just some things you can't deny.

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