∞Chapter 31∞

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Song: Sleeping With Strangers- Jake Miller 

"You taught me that love can be an amazing and beautiful thing. But you also taught me that love will keep you up till midnight crying softly to yourself, wondering how much more pain someone can endure." -sjf

"Hey, sweetheart." Mom smiled at me, placing a wash cloth on my forehead. "How are you feeling?"

I sat up, rubbing my eyes. "Okay, I guess."

Mom shot me a sad smile, her fingertips caressing my arm. "You and Nate still fighting?"

I looked away from her, fighting back the tears. How was I supposed to tell her the words I couldn't say without breaking down? Even the slightest thought of what happened, or even him, hurt more than I could ever describe. He wasn't just my boyfriend then, but my best friend. I spent every waking hour with him, laughing, talking, flirting, and to be without him was the hardest thing I had ever done.

"We broke up, mom. It's a never ending fight." I mumbled, tears trickling down my face, and mom pulled me into her arms, holding me tightly. Soft sobs escaped my lips, and I wrapped my arms around her neck, burying my head into her shoulder.

"I know, sweetheart. Nate told me after it happened." She whispered, rubbing my back. "But you guys will make it through. I'm sure of it."

By then, I was sobbing hard. If only she knew the half of it. I rubbed my eyes before sobbing, "He never said he loved me..."

My sobs grew harder, and mom held me tighter. She never responded, but just held me. I wish I could have said she healed me, and even though she made me feel better-- simply because a mother's hug had certain healing elements most things didn't-- I was still heartbroken, and only one person could heal me the way I needed to be healed.

When we pulled away, she stood, walking towards my bedroom door. Just as she opened it, the doorbell rang, and she glanced back at me, smiling softly. "Come down here with me. Someone is here for you."

I stood, stretched, and walked downstairs with mom. Nate and dad were already at the door, and mom walked to it, slowly opening it. When she moved, I saw Chelsea, my cousin, and a guy behind her.

"Chels!" I screamed, and she squealed, running over to hug me. She was exactly what I needed to make me feel a little better. Chelsea was my first best friend, and her and I had always been close. When I started my freshmen year, she moved to Wyoming, so we didn't see each other as much, but we were still close. She was still one of my best friends, and my family.

"B!" She squealed, squeezing the life out of me. "It's been so long!"

When we pulled away, she shot me a smile, pointing behind her towards Nate. "Who's the hottie?"

I rolled my eyes. "Nate Jackson."

She slowly nodded, smirking. "Ah, yes. The international heartthrob your mother is housing. You've hit the jackpot, my friend."

My heart constricted. If only she knew too. Before I could even reply, Chelsea turned towards Nate, grinning widely. He smiled back, and I had to look away to keep from bursting into tears again.

"Who's he?" She asked, pointing to the guy beside Nate, and the guy smiled at her.

"That's my best friend Nick."

"I'm Chelsea." She smiled at him, holding her hand out to Nick, and he grabbed it, shooting her a lopsided grin. For a second, they stared at each other, and then they snapped out of it, facing me. Nick's eyes glanced at me before he looked at Nate.

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