Dear Cousins.

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They all stared at me in pain and shock, I watched as my three cousins stood infront of my mum, father, grandparents, etc.

"Remember us, Minati?" I heard a female voice pur to me, a smirk in her voice. A female cousin. I think I had one female cousin, and she was the youngest.

"Manika, be nice." My mother hissed at the female cousin that's name was apparently Manika. (Man-ek-ah)

"Step back. All of you. Now." I heard a very deep voice growl. Was this one the oldest? A male. That's for a fact.

"Pirak-" my mother started to studder nervously but he cut her off.

"No. Step back, we're protecting you." Pirak apparently, said to her. (P-rack)

Yes.. The two names are familiar. Pirak is the oldest. I remember.

I.. Remember...


"Minati?" Pirak yelled for me down the stairs. I smiled instantly, my eyes gleamed with happiness as I sprung off my bed and ran downstairs.

"Pirak!" I cried happily, jumping into his arms as he huffed and chuckled, hugging me and lifting me up.

"Ready to go out to the pond? Your dad and mum are already there. We caught some Salmon already!" He said softly to me, kissing my forehead.

"Salmon?!" I cried happily, pressing my forehead agaisnt his hardly, "Salmon is my favorite!" I yelled happily as I gripped onto his shirt, helping myself keep balance from not falling backwards.

"Go! Go go go!" I smiled, yelling softly as he nodded chuckling, putting me on his back and running faster than the speed of light, making my eyes water from the wind! We laughed the whole time, him making some noises making me laugh and smile until the clear blue lake came into our sights, where the whole clan sat and laughed, hanging out and barbequing. We both smiled, my face lit up once again.

"Pirak! You're the best!" I smiled, gripping onto his neck as he chuckled, grabbing me a plate of freshly grilled Salmon.

________________*End of Flashback*_______________

I was a young girl then. Only around the age of three. I was tiny, very small in size but my ears were always to big for my head until the age around six when my head started to grow a bit bigger. My ears have always been to big for my head, but eventually they grew to a comforting size: still big, but not to noticably big.

Pirak... He was my caretaker for when my mother and father were out. Either him or one of the sets of grandparents. But usually, it was Pirak.

I felt as the whole familys' chakra backed up, meaning they were stepping back. They had their backs to the other side of the blue shell that enclosed us, they all stared at us. I felt the ground tremble a little, and a big thick brick wall covered the family in a sort of shelter, with little holes around so they could all look out and see. All that was left was us, three across from me. Three cousins, only one I could remember well.

Pirak, Manika, who else?

Gah, I can't fucking remember!

"Minati.." Another deep voice growled to me, it was a little more dark though. No.. Dark isn't the right word. It was more.. More focused. It was focused on me.

Oh.. The name.

I remember.

"Nafuko." I whispered in realization of the name, my heart pounding faster every second, my blood curdled for more. (Na-fu-co)

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