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The sleepy town of Hamilton was in the midst of thin white snow. The main highway that drove right into the heart of the town, where the light dusting of frost were already melted away by the heat of running vehicles. In this small town, snow occurs occasionally but soon goes away on the very next day as tiny little heads of dandelions spring out in the warmth of the sunshine.

Hamilton High stood tall and proud with its drawing early 19th century delicacy. If only you were on the inside, anyone could see the major changes that were made in the last hundred years. The school was not only well known by its noteworthy heritage, it was also known by its unusual way of accepting students via difficult entrance exams and direct pathway to their university division. The strange thing was there were only three classes of twenty-five students per class in each year level from year 7 to 12 with roughly four-hundred fifty of the entire population in the school are high school students.

Today, the front gates of the school were closed. There were only few cars in the staff car park where teachers probably dropped in to do some work. It was winter and therefore the students were already off for their winter break in the middle of June. So no wonder the road was quiet during this time of the day when students would burst out of the school gates and cross the road dangerously to the other side to catch the bus downtown. It brings me back to that very day, when I stood here at the bus stop where I waited in a beeline of people, desperate to go after a very long day.

How long have I been since I stood on this very spot? I remembered I used to be alone, the wallflower that doesn’t want to share the same air and light as the sunflowers. I would always hang back, roll my eyes at the cool cliques and shy away from the bad boys, until a life changing moment hit me hard in the face. For once I was able to come out of my diaspora from my separation with my close friends from my second primary school that I moved to in the middle of my fourth year. I was sent to a prestigious school for the rich and famous in an identity of a missing foreign princess that I was substituting in a condition of restoring my family’s business.

All of that might’ve sound so cliché with the good old happy ever after, marry a prince blah blah blah but frankly, it wasn’t all that simple. I was surrounded by threats that may expose me of my true identity and becoming posh and let alone royalty was never easy. At one time I was engaged to a prince of another foreign country by name and someone I used to know back in Hamilton came in bringing a storm with him then turned out to be the prince’s younger brother. At first I loathed him, worried that his sudden appearance would ruin my newly established friendships but in the end, I ended up falling for him and he was my first love at the age of 18.

Still, the storm wasn’t over yet. The real princess had returned for revenge and wrongly accused her father for the death of her lover. After a little misadventure, my identity was finally let loose and everyone who knew me at that elite school shunned me including my friends who were badly hurt by my betrayal, but my first love didn’t leave me behind he was always there for me. It was just the matter of time, when they started to accept me again. Then on my eighteenth birthday, the truth of the princess’ lover’s death was revealed which drove me closer to my fate but unexpectedly made turn of events and became the goddaughter of king and queen for my heroic efforts.

Well that were few years ago and who knew that I decided to play gone missing right after the celebration of the anointing? I had my own plans and being noble wasn’t one of them. All I just wanted was helping my parents to manage their antique trading and it was a great sacrifice, the tittle, my extremely rich friends and him…But it was all worth it and expanding from a small family business to a worldwide known exporting company and auction house, I think I could die without regrets and the source of all of this was always that guy who flew miles from the other side of the world just for me.

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