Chapter 4

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Whop –Whop – Whop

The sound of a helicopter blade whipped vigorously in the air, causing a loud deafening sound, enough to keep me awake. Not only that, when the news about me taking a helicopter to school reached to my ears, it made me bolt up from my bed and freaked the living daylights out me.

So here I am standing few yards away from the helicopter dumb folded with the mansion right behind my back.  A dark cloud loomed over my head. My hair was all frayed out into a fuzzy dark red afro and what’s worse was being dragged out of bed at four in the morning then shoved into my new uniform. I had this murderous look on my face ready to kill the next person who pisses me off.  I was never a morning person and whenever I’m being waked up against my will, I usually end up having low blood pressure which gives the result of extreme bad mood.

“Good morning Miss Moreau,” Mr Chevalier shouted over the noise. “How was your sleep?”

The frown on my forehead deepened its crease.  I wanted to glare at him for asking such an absurd question. I am sure that my mood was quite obvious to read and in fact it was so strong, it could tear the whole mansion down within seconds.  But I managed to control my foulness and forced a sweet smile.

“It was just what I needed,” I lied through my teeth.

Ear muffs were given to me before I tumbled inside the helicopter to avoid getting ear damage which was the last thing I ever needed.  When I went inside, there were already two black uniformed men at the controls doing a quick run through the whole engine.  I watched them until a couple of books were stack beside my feet and was squished against the cabin door while the maid was being sandwiched between a male servant and me.

Mr Chevalier leaned over into the helicopter with his muffs already covered his ears. He said something that I couldn’t quite hear and I ended up yelling at him to repeat but it drowned in the noise. Undefeated, Mr Chevalier took out his blackberry and punched the keys. He then waved his phone at me.

You’ll be arriving at Corsica Private Secondary College in approximately in an hour and forty five minutes. These two servants are to attend to you till you return each day.”

An hour and forty-five minutes trip to school? Where exactly is this college? Or probably I just read it wrong but boy am I wrong.

The helicopter first took off slow, and then sped up in mid-air making my stomach launched uncomfortably.  My hands found its way to the handle on the side and clung to it. I held on to a scream that crept up my throat. It was going way too fast for me to consider it in my comfort zones.

As for the servants they had neutral looks and betrayed nothing. The maid was impressive, she was trying to groom my hair with the help of a pocket size irons she’d bought along with her and with me being fidgety, unable to sit still. They were trained for able to things in aircrafts without being afraid of the sudden rises and falls.

I squinted eyes and looked over the cabin door window. Below the luscious ocean forever extended and giant cruises, speed boats, yachts speckled the surface with colours other than the dull boring blue. The longer we sat more cargo ships and fishing boats began to appear near the golden horizon of a rising dawn. 

Then after a half an hour or so, I’ve lost track of time because during the ride, I ended up falling asleep because of the exhaustion and the jet lag from yesterday hasn’t worn off yet. It was the maid who had shaken me awake to prepare for a landing.

I pressed my palms against the window and stared out. We were still kilometres high up in the sky, but beneath us was a small island about the size of Switzerland or even smaller. The vast green lands were parted in two; on the north eastern part of the island were apartments, villas and a small town was built in the valleys whereas the southern part stood buildings close together away from the mountainous areas of the north eastern part of the island.

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