Chapter 1 - The Fight.

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Louise's POV

I sat staring up at the ceiling, listening to the clock's hand tick every second past. Tick, Tick, Tick. This was the longest five minutes of my life... I just want this stupid Geography lesson to be finished so I could go and get some lunch. I looked back down at my desk; the test paper turned upside down to show I'd finished, my pens and pencils lined up perfectly. Tick, Tick, Tick. How long do these people need for a simple test?! I finished the hour long paper in forty five minutes. I've been sat here in silence for the last 15 minutes and I'm bored. Too bored. I traced over the paper's edges with my finger as I listened to the clock. If this bell doesn't go off in a minute I'm just going to walk out...

"Is everyone finished? That's the hour up, pens down please!" Mr McAfferty looked at us over his thick rimmed glasses. "Emma, I said pens down!" We all looked behind us to Emma, who slowly went red as she placed her pen back on the table. Mr McAfferty stood up and collected all of our test papers, glaring at anyone who did anything louder than breathe. The bell finally rung and I jumped out of my chair, only to be ushered back into it by Mr McAfferty.

"What?" I exclaimed as his hand pushed me back onto my chair.

"Right guys, remember you will have these graded and back to you by tomorrow's lesson. If any of you get under 80% you'll have to do it again! So if you think you've done bad, do me a favour and look up the answers tonight..." He rolled his eyes, then gestured for us to leave. I, once again, jumped up from my seat and leapt for the door. Well, leapt may be a little dramatic, but I certainly ran for my life to get to the canteen where my best friend Ross was leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. Before you guys assume anything, I am not in love with him or anything... We're just really good friends...

"Where the hell have you been?" Ross rolled his eyes and unfolded his arms.

"That stupid test..." I grumbled. "I'd finished 15 minutes early and they wouldn't let me out of there!"

"Well they're not allowed to do that are they?" Ross laughed. "Or you'd be out of every lesson early..."

"Yeah, alright..." I teased, shoving him in the arm just enough to send him stumbling to the side.

"Not my fault I'm friends with a straight A student." He shrugged as he walked alongside me once more. We got in the long queue behind what looked like the whole school, both huffing as we looked up the line.

"We're gonna be here forever!" I huffed again.

"Your fault!" Ross insisted, hands up to show his innocence.

"I know... Thank you!" I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to speak again, but something stopped me. Someone. Ross immediately caught on and looked behind him – though trying to style it out so it didn't look obvious – to see Conor walking up to the end of the queue. Right. Behind. Us. Now I may not have mentioned before who Conor was, so allow me to explain; He is one of the hottest, most dribbled after guys in this school. He is in his final year, unlike me – still 2 years to go – but he is also one of the few people everyone is careful around. He's been in trouble so many times for fighting, swearing at teachers – a right bad ass. The type of guy I love. All the popular girls follow him around all day like love sick puppies, all the Jocks and the popular guys want to be his best friend but he doesn't associate himself with ANYONE here. He has friends, older ones from outside school. One's who he's in a biker gang with.

Ross immediately looked back to me, his eyes wider than they've ever been. He mouthed what I believe was 'Holy Crap'. I looked at him with a questionable expression and he nodded to whoever was standing in front of me – Namely Josh Patterson, the biggest jerk of the Jocks – The guy who'd had an altercation with Conor only a few days ago and let me tell you it didn't end well at all. Josh noticed Ross and I looking between the two of them and leant forwards, noticing Conor behind us. He turned to Ross and apologised. We looked at each other confusedly but as Conor picked up a cup of Coke, Josh shoved Ross into me and consequently I flew into Conor and the cup of Coke, which had now made a nice pattern on his white shirt.

"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!" I shrieked as he stepped back, uttering swear words like song lyrics. Josh just laughed in his face from behind Ross's back.

"What the f-" Conor began, and I could already feel myself burning up.

"It wasn't her!" Ross put his hand on my shoulder. "Josh pushed us into you." I had to admit, Ross was such a grass. I hadn't found anyone quicker to pass the blame than Ross, but this time I was grateful he did because Conor's evil glare moved from me to Josh, whose laugh quickly died down.

"Is there some sort of issue between us, Josh?" His booming, deep voice spoke. It was like music to my ears. Strange music, cos it was scary and loud, like heavy metal.

"Only the one you created!" Josh shouted back, trying to sound like he wasn't scared of Conor – but let's face it, the whole school including the teachers were a little scared of him.

"I never created anything..." Conor said simply, shrugging his shoulders. By this time, the entire canteen was staring at the four of us. Thankfully most of the attention was on Conor and Josh.

"You created an issue when you punched me!" He shouted from behind Ross.

"I punched you cos you took the piss!" Conor said, justifying his actions. He did try his hardest to be nice to people, but when that failed a fist normally met the other person's face.

"Oh sorry, Conor. Did I upset you when I spoke about your younger brother?" He jeered. I could see Conor tense up, his fists and jaw clenched. If I was Josh right now, I'd want to cry.

"Don't talk about my brother..." Conor said through gritted teeth, emphasising every syllable.

"Why not, Conor? He wouldn't understand what I was saying anyway... The dumb idiot." I barely had time to digest what Josh had said before Conor leapt forwards and tried to grab Josh from behind the two of us. Ross was quick enough to dive out of the way, but I was still stupidly trying to work out what Josh had said. I now had a 6ft guy towering over me trying to grab another 6ft guy using me as a shield. I shoved Conor backwards and shook Josh's grip on my arms.

"Jesus, guys, can't this wait?" It felt like the entire canteen held their breath waiting for Conor to answer me.

"Ha. I knew it!" Josh suddenly broke the silence. "You won't aim for me if there's a girl in the way! You don't want to hit girls!"

"Josh, there'll be plenty of opportunities to hit you when girls aren't in the way..." Conor snarled. Josh grabbed me by the arms and pulled me in front of him like a shield again.

"Conor, your whole family is a bunch of morons. Your brother is just a double moron. He barely knows he's alive. Can he dress himself or is he too stupid?" Josh began, knowing Conor couldn't do anything. Beneath all the exterior angriness, I could see the hurt build up. "Why didn't you get him put down?" Josh carried on. The whole canteen was now staring at Conor, wondering if he was going to do anything. "He's worse than a dog." My anger grew for Conor. Why bring his family into this? I bet if Josh knew anything about my family he'd be doing the same. "Do you lock him in the-" Without thinking, I shook Josh's grip from my arms and spun round, swinging my fist – which eventually connected with Josh's nose. He let out a yelp and stumbled backwards. I stood there, my fist thumping with pain, my body shaking and my breathing heavy. I watched as all his friends ran over to him and shouted for teachers.

"LOUISE!" Ross ran towards me. "What the hell were you thinking?!"

"I wasn't." I shrugged.

"You're gonna get expelled if you're not careful!" He whispered.

"Don't care." I shrugged again. "Josh is a loser. He needed to be taught a lesson. Now he'll probably be taught a double lesson." I turned round with the hope Conor would be there, smiling and thanking me. The guy who everyone loves and fancies would finally have a conversation with someone, and that someone would be me. Instead, though, I turned round to notice he had disappeared.

"Louise!" A familiarly angry voice shouted at me. It was Mr Gregory. My school counsellor. The one I see for my anger problems... "My office. Now!"

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