Chapter 17 - The Park

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A/N Hello again my beautiful readers! I've got work quite a lot this week so i thought i'd try and get a chapter out before the end of the day! It's more of a filler chapter but i hope you like it! If you would like to suggest something for this story feel free to add it in the comments!! Dedicated to the lovely Kamitor who has been amazingly supportive with this story so thank you so much!
Also i have nearly 1500 reads on this so far and 73 votes! That is the most i've ever had for a story as i'm writing it so thank you so much!! I love each and every one of you you are all amazing people! Anyway, as i always say; feel free to vote, comment, follow, like and promote! Love you all! xxxx

Louise’s POV

I sat at home staring intently at my laptop. Did Conor just accept me as a friend on Facebook? Was he trying to rub it in my face and let me see that girl all over his timeline? I sighed and logged out. I can’t deal with him right now. After everything I went through, the fights, the stares, the arguments… He still didn’t notice me. Is it just that he really doesn’t associate with people from school and as soon as they get close to him he has to throw them out of his life? Or is he just that… Stupid? My phone ringing distracted me from my thoughts.

“Hello?” I asked without looking at the Caller ID. I know, what’s the point in having it if I don’t look?

“Louise? It’s David.” He said, sounding concerned. “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” I lied.

“I bumped into Conor earlier. He told me about your little altercation…” He asked. Conor had told him about it? Great!

“It was nothing.” I lied again. I could feel my throat tightening. I had trouble holding back my emotions when I spoke to Conor, why would I want to talk to David about it?

“Louise, we all know it was more than nothing… He’s already told me it all so there’s nothing to hide. You’ll be pleased to know I called him an idiot. Kaiya out of everyone!” He babbled on. I could feel my heart swelling with every mention of him.

“I don’t want to talk about it David.” I said sharply.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it. I just wanted to make sure you were ok…” David said, sounding a little taken back by my comment.

“Look, sorry… I don’t mean to snap, I’m in a bad mood.” I said honestly.

“You wanna talk about it? I promise I won’t say anything!” David replied. I sighed. Could I really be bothered to talk to someone about all the emotions again? This wasn’t just someone though, it was David. David who said he liked me outside Mr Gregory’s office. And yeah, I had to admit to myself I liked him too. Not as much as Conor, but I still did.

“It’s just stupid. I showed myself up, lost friends and everything and he didn’t even notice me! I’m the only person who has actually spoken to him normally, not been there fluttering my eyelashes and flicking my hair in the hope he’ll fancy me. I thought we were friends…  Maybe more… and then he’s there with Kaiya!” I could feel the lump in my throat growing.

“Oh I wouldn’t worry.” David began, “They’re not in a relationship, they’re just sleeping together. He admitted that to me.” My eyes stung in the corners, I was trying so so desperately not to cry. I didn’t want to show he meant that much to me. He was just a guy; just a guy who got into fights at school, had the attention of every girl in school, was in a biker gang, was too good to talk to the popular girls and guys but had a chat with me and gave me a ride to school and stuck up for me…

“They… they…” I stuttered, still in shock. “He’s not like that, surely!”

“He admitted it to me, babe. I’m sorry…” I’m not going to lie here, my heart fluttered when he called me babe. After all he wasn’t bad looking, in fact he was great looking! Tanned skin, black hair, dark hazel eyes and a body to die for!

“I’ll get over it…” I had no idea what I was doing but my instinct was screaming at me to flirt with him and forget about Conor. If he wants to hurt me, I’ll hurt him! “I’ll need something to take my mind off it, but I’m sure I’ll manage…” There was a pause. Crap! Have I scared him off?

“Are you free?” He asked quickly.

“What now?” I had to ask. My heart was racing.

“Yeah, you wanna meet up? I just feel so bad bringing this up when I’m not even looking at you!” He said. I internally screamed before hyperventilating and feeling the need to walk around my room so much my calves hurt.

“Yeah, sure. Where’d you wanna go?” I heard him typing before he replied to me.

“The park? Bring a jumper though, there’s a chill in the air! I’ll meet you there in ten?”

“Sure!” I said excitedly before realising that meant I had to leave now and not spend hours getting ready to look impressive!

“Alright, I’m going to hang up now then, so I can leave?” he laughed. “I’ll see you in a bit!” He hung up and again I internally screamed as I ran to my mirror and re-did my makeup as quickly as humanly possible. I threw off my worn grey jogging bottoms and squeezed into a pair of skinny jeans, leaving on the big baggy white t-shirt I was wearing and chucking on a pair of black shoes. Ready!


Arriving at the park, it had started to get dark. The sun was setting and the sky was a lovely orange/red. It was picturesque. David sure knew how to plan things for the right time!

“Louise?” I heard from a way away. I smiled hugely as I span round. I wonder what David looks like, is he dressed casually? Did he dress up? Did he- Wait… That’s not David… “Redford, what the hell are you doing here?” Conor emerged out of the shadows wearing bike leathers.

“I could ask you the same question!” I said back with an angered look on my face.

“I’m here with my gang. This is our meeting place this time every week!” He looked around quickly. “Why are you here?”

“I’m meeting David…” I said without a care. He wants to hurt me, why shouldn't I hurt him?

“Why here?” He urged. “There’s thousands of places to go!” He seemed edgy and nervous.

“He picked the location… I just turned up and-” I was interrupted.

“Louise?” David’s voice sounded as he walked closer. When he got close enough, he scowled at Conor. “What the hell are YOU doing here?” He looked Conor up and down.

“I’m meeting my mates.” Conor said, his gaze moving between me and David. “Look, just go… anywhere else. It’s not safe here with them… Especially not with people they’re not used to!”

“What the hell are you talking about?” David laughed, but I began to feel a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. One I wasn’t used to having much… It was what I’d felt in the detention with Josh and Frank… I was scared.

“M-maybe we should go somewhere else?” I said, looking around as Conor had done moments ago.

“No. I’m not letting this idiot boss me around. Did you introduce Kaiya to your friends?” David hissed. “I thought Louise was your friend but look what you did to that friendship!” My stomach was flipping, my hands clammy. I really was terrified!

“David!” I snapped quietly, hoping this biker gang wouldn’t hear me. “If Conor says it’s not safe to be around people he hangs out with all the time, I’m going to trust that!” I turned on my heels and took a few steps away, suddenly having to stop as a figure stepped out in front of me. He was wearing a leather jacket like Conor’s. He was as tall as Conor, older though by a couple of years, his stubble beginning to turn into a beard. He stepped closer to me and bent down so his face was inches from mine.

“Conor, aren’t you going to introduce me to your friends?” He chuckled.

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