Chapter 29 - Comfort

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: smileeykay

A/N: Hey guys! I'm going to apologise first off, this chapter is pretty bad; I've been ill all week and i've wanted to post just for you guys so i apologise if there have been any spelling mistakes and bad grammar over the last few chapters! I wanted to post this especially though because i've just reached 200 VOTES AND OVER 3500 READS! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH I'M SMILING LIKE AN IDIOT! I'd dance but i'm ill! :D I seriously cant than you enough! So i hope you all like this chapter and another will be up in the next few days! xxxxxxxxxxx

Conor’s POV

Detention finally ended and Mr Potter left quicker than we did. After what Louise had said, we didn’t speak a word to each other. I’m not sure why, but we barely acknowledged each other. She got up quickly and walked out of the room before any of us and David gave me an evil smile.

“Screwed it up after a few minutes have you, Maynard?” He said smugly.

“Lasted longer than you then!” I winked as I walked out. That guy isn’t going to get to me, not anymore. I have more important things to worry about; like Louise and Jack.

“That’s really sweet of you to offer!” I heard Louise say as I walked to the gate. Mum had offered to pick me up from school after I walked this morning to try and clear my head.

“Come on, come to dinner! We’re celebrating Jack being okay!” My mum had her ‘convincing face’ on. She had puppy dog eyes yet a welcoming smile, a face she only ever used to persuade someone to do what she wanted.

“Yeah, that sounds good!” I said, putting my arm round Louise’s shoulders. I felt her shift awkwardly.

“It’s so kind of you to offer…” Louise said again, I could imagine she was trying to think of a way out it.

“Come on then, get in the car!” My mum laughed and I opened the car door, practically forcing her to get in. She put on a smile and once again thanked my mum as we drove to mine.


“That was a lovely meal!” Louise smiled comfortably at my mum, who grinned back.

“Oh, I’m so happy you liked it! I wasn’t sure what you ate because Conor doesn’t talk to me about girls and things, you were a big secret! I’m so glad I made the right thing!” She said, letting out a sigh of relief.

“Mum, do you mind if we are excused from the table?” I gave her the look of ‘you better say yes’ and of course she nodded.

“Do whatever you want now! If you’re going out or anything just tell me before you leave! If you want anything, Louise, just come down and get it!” Mum clapped her hands together.

“I’m fine, thank you. This was lovely! So thoughtful of you!” Louise beamed. I stood up and grabbed my plate and glass. I leant over Louise to get her plate and whispered for her to go upstairs and I’d meet her up there. “Sorry, where’s the toilet?” She tried to style it out.

“Up the stairs and to the right. Next to Conor’s room.” She pointed towards the staircase. Louise thanked her once more and went up the stairs. “Don’t worry about the washing up, Conor, I’ll do it. You guys have had a rough time!” It was the first time in a long time she’d sounded like she cared.

“Mum… I am sorry about everything that’s happened, you know? I didn’t mean for anything to happen at all…” I said as I walked back into the Dining room.

“I know. It just happens like that. Look what I’ve been through! Do you think I wanted to go through that?” She was referring to Dad’s violence. I nodded and smiled sympathetically. “But what I will say, not that it’s any of my business…” I rolled my eyes. “You should hang onto that girl, she’s brought more happiness to your life than anyone I know!” I smiled once more and walked up the stairs, just meeting Louise in the hallway.

“So which is your bedroom?” She asked me, looking at all the doors. I opened the door down the hall to the right of the bathroom and allowed her to walk in ahead of me. “Wow!” She exclaimed, looking at the tidy room. I’d not even seen it this tidy in a while. Mum must have gone all out after hearing Jack was coming home. “You’re a clean freak?”

“Mum is.” I stated, truthfully. “You wouldn’t be able to see the floor if it was left down to me.” Louise giggled but then pulled a face as if to say ‘eww’. “Anyway, feel free to get comfortable! What time do you need to be home?”

“Whenever… Not a massive thing with my family. They barely know when I’m there!” She shrugged. “I don’t get on well with my mum and sister.”

“Why?” I said, quickly adding “If you don’t mind me asking…” She played with her hair as she spoke.

“My dad died and it broke me. I doted on him, he was the best guy in the world. He loved bikes and I’d ride on his bike, we’d talk about anything, we’d watch films together. He made the effort with me, unlike my mum who doted on my sister. When he died I went crazy, I didn’t talk to them; I convinced myself I was the only one who cared he’d gone as they tried to carry on with everyday life. My mum’s never forgiven me for saying that to her…”

“But you were grieving…” I said like I understood. “Surely she could forgive you?” Louise let out a small patronising laugh.

“She barely looks at me anymore…” Louise shook her head. “I only got violent at school because I was angry that no one understood me.”

“Well that’s a better reason than me!” I laughed. I could see her try and look happy, but inside she was dying. “How often do you visit your dad? Like what cemetery is-” She cut me off.

“The one near my house.” She sighed. “I’ve not been for ages because of all the stuff at school. I feel really bad, every day I apologise; I’m not making him proud like my sister and I’m sorry I haven’t visited.” The tears in her eyes were obvious now, yet she still tried to fight them.

“We’ll visit him. Tomorrow.” I said. I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. “I’d like to meet the guy who created such an amazing girl!” I said, partly comforting her partly showing my true feelings.

“You don’t have to-”

“We’re going.” I took a deep breath in. “It’s the least I can do. I owe it to you.”

“You don’t owe me anything.” She rolled her eyes and a single tear managed to escape and run along the contours of her face.

“The scars, the memories, the fights… They’ve been because of me. I’m sorry…” She hesitated before she scooted over to sit next to me and threw her arms around my neck for a hug. She had to kneel up to hug me. The scent of her sweet, fruity perfume filled my nose and I shut my eyes to try and savour the moment. Her hug was tight but comforting; I’d never had a hug like it. It had feeling behind it. I flung arms round her waist and put my hands at the bottom of her spine. She snuggled her head into my shoulder and squeezed the hug tighter, I slipped my hands under her top and the warmth of her back made my cold hands tingle. I run my hands slowly up her back but stopped when I’d felt it. The scar. She gasped and pulled back from the hug, moving herself away from me.

“I’m sorry.” I said instantly. She just glared at me.

“I-It’s not you.” She looked away nervously. “I’m just… insecure about it.” She said quickly.

“Let me see it.” I insisted. “Come on.” She looked at me and away, hesitated but then, to my relief, slowly crawled back over to me, turning so her back was facing me. “You sure?” I had to check. She nodded. I slowly lifted up her top a little and revealed a 4 inch scar across her lower back. My blood boiled as I imagined what she went through to receive this. “Who did this to you?”

“Who do you think?” Jason. That asshole… I’ll get him back for that! She squirmed and pulled her top back down.

“It’s not that bad, you know. I’ve seen a lot worse.” I said, lifting my top to reveal a 6 inch scar on my right side. That was one I’d never forget.

“Oh my God!” She said, staring at it. “Do you mind?” She asked as she ran her finger across the mess of a scar. I didn’t mind. It felt rather soothing actually.

“Who did that to you?” She asked in the same tone I’d asked her.

“Who do you think?” I replied.

Jason. Again.

So What? (A Conor Maynard Fan/Pop Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें